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US Policy on the Jews in WWII

church mouse guy

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FDR turned away a boat full of Jewish refugees at one time in 1939. The name of the ship was SS St. Louis. It was just off the coast of Miami, Florida, but FDR never answered the ship's cable asking for help. There were over 900 passengers.

FDR was just another playboy. He was a playboy before he got polio. He died with his mistress at Warm Springs, Georgia.


Active Member
Don't we still turn refugees away still??

I believe those refugees had not followed proper immigration proceedures in effect at that time---again--the Waffen SS had so cleverly disquised their little entourage of filthy perversion upon the Jews---that hardly anyone not involved directly with the SS had no clue!! It blows my mind and is beyond comprehension how they could have possibly pulled such a stunt on such a gigantic magnitude and yet the world remained clueless about it!!

church mouse guy

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You can't be fooled unless you want to be fooled. FDR knew what he was doing when he failed to respond to the SS St. Louis cable. There had been a lot of controversy in Cuba over the ship.

FDR did many strange and unusual things. The German spies that landed on Long Island and in Florida were mostly put to death after a secret trial in Washington DC--something that Bush would not even dream of doing in the Patriot Act, yet FDR gets praise from the same liberals who say that the Patriot Act and the treatment of prisoners in Cuba is severe. FDR put the Japanese in camps here, as you know. Only recently we had to pay them for FDR's doings.

More likely than not FDR thought that history would give him a pass on the SS St. Louis.


Active Member
Yes, I've read of the St. Louis! But my contention is this---at the time(1939)---I contend that the world surrounding the St. Louis had no idea what those on board were "running" from!! Just like many, many Jews in that day, too!! Many of them didn't catch on to what was going on with those "resettlement" programs---they just loaded up their suitcases for a (false)

I contend that the world surrounding the St. Louis---had no idea of Hitler's "real" intentions at that moment--"resettlement" was a cloak of deception that literally fooled the world!

church mouse guy

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I don't think that the link that I listed allows one to believe that FDR did not more or less know the story. Afterall, our intelligence in those days was maybe better than it is today. The link says that members of Congress were trying to get a bill out of committee that would allow extra Jews to settle in the USA. Since the Democrats controlled Congress, FDR's silence indicates his disapproval, probably for political reasons. Like Clinton, FDR had other interests.


Dr. Bob,

Lincoln and FDR huh? While I am no fan of FDR, I think LBJ was far worse...but that was a tangent...

church mouse guy

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Lincoln is an easy target nowadays. Everyone hates him. Notice that the GOP no longer calls themselves the party of Lincoln.

As for FDR, he is a big laugh. He grew up at Hyde Park, his family's rural estate. On that basis, he said that he too was a farmer and he understood the problems of a farmer. LOL.

FDR was a WW I Washington DC playboy. When he became President, he slept with his secretary; it was she who was with him when he died in Warm Springs, GA.

Dr. Bob

If your wife looked like Eleanor, wouldn't . .

Okay, that was bad. She was ugly when he married her!

Starting a thread on why we dislike certain politicians. Fire away there and we'll let this thread continue dealing with Jews/WWII


I am reading a book on WWII called Armagedden (spelling may not be right). The plight of the Jews was just one part of a much larger picture that FDR had to consider. Overall, I think Roosevelt did reasonably well in the war. He was close to Churchill but he tried to deal with Stalin as Stalin was going to be a major player after the war. The world was fortunate to have two such strong leaders as Churchill and Roosevelt at that time.

church mouse guy

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Originally posted by blackbird:
Yes, I've read of the St. Louis! But my contention is this---at the time(1939)---I contend that the world surrounding the St. Louis had no idea what those on board were "running" from!! Just like many, many Jews in that day, too!! Many of them didn't catch on to what was going on with those "resettlement" programs---they just loaded up their suitcases for a (false)

I contend that the world surrounding the St. Louis---had no idea of Hitler's "real" intentions at that moment--"resettlement" was a cloak of deception that literally fooled the world!
Victor Mordecai in his free transmission online of audio on his website says that the turning away of the St. Louis in Cuba and Florida was deliberate on the part of the USA. Both Europe and the USA in his opinion were told by the Arabs that if they wanted oil and if they wanted the Arabs not to openly align with the Germans, then they had to keep quiet about the Jews and now allow Jews to leave Europe. As it was, many Arabs fought for Germany in German uniforms according to Victor Mordecai. Listen to his free two-part transmission online at www.vicmord.com

church mouse guy

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The scapegoat that FDR used and the one who did all the dirty work in the case of the St. Louis being turned away in Cuba and Fort Lauderdale, Florida, was Undersecretary of State for visas, etc., Breckenridge Long, a southern aristocrat but political hack.

History has not been kind to him but I think that FDR let him go until it became uncomfortable for FDR to allow him to continue.

web page--Please click for Simon Wiesenthal Center on Breckenridge Long

church mouse guy

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It wasn't just Long because the above link also notes:

"Long's role in obstructing rescue was so obvious that he became the major target of criticism by early historians of America's rescue policy. These authors, therefore, tended to cast Long in a villain's role. In actuality, Long was only one of many State Department opponents of humanitarian action on behalf of Jews and his demotion did not end their efforts to obstruct rescue operations."

According to the Simon Wiesenthal Center, the USA began to get information about the fate of Jews in 1943 at the latest.