Yea, I knew what you were doing right along... it’s trolling and you thought you were pushing my buttons now didn’t you?

No you were just revealing yourself to be who you really are, a trump cult follower and a bit of a fool.... but don’t worry, nobody gives a shite. I was truly enjoying myself to be honest with you!

As for being a hypocrite

yes I am one I confess. What’s more probity does not reside in me, wo is me

And from your prospective I am certain, it’s the worst crime in humanity, the mother of all sins. Truly there is not a person alive, I am certain, who does not wallow in it, knowingly or unknowingly. The magic key here is that we must accept ourselves for what we are. That is the secret of a healthy mind and body.
Now hypocrisy should not be wholly detested. Without it we should not have civilization, nor could people live together for a single hour without killing each other. I would even go so far to say that w/o it we should have no churches and no religious people. Oh this has been so much fun.... keep trolling laddie