Bible Believing Bill
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go2church said:VBS is quickly becoming a tried and true method of the past. Traditional churches will continue to use it but for the most part it is on its way out. The future holds community in much higher esteem then dividing all the kids into neat little groups and having them glue their fingers together. In the future there is going to have to be an approach that addresses layers of people all at the same time. It won't be about learning a song, but rather sharing an experience. Don't see any VBS doing that.
Didn't do VBS this year and it has been the best thing for our church. We have had special nights for the entire community and have had people from all ages (2-87) in attendance. It is going to be a long time before we every go back.
This sounds like a great approach could you share some details on what you have done for thses special nights? I am not above stealing your ideas.
Bill :godisgood: