Jon, it seems to me that you are wanting to apply TODAYS situation - politically - to the vax situations of yester-year. This is the same strategy the left tries to apply to slavery and negate real/true/actual history.
Health orgs of yester-year dealt with HEALTH, & health only - today, at least IMHO, politics is telling "health" what to say/do/implement!!!
When gov't inserts itself into medical decisions (mandates, THREATS of mandates, masks-yes, masks-no, vax passports , yada, yada, yada ) medical advice suddenly becomes extremely questionable.
Jon, you've noted several times that you do not watch the news, & I understand your reasoning, as I watch very little; but, BUT, you should not belittle those who do and are repulsed by it.
You quite frequently say that "'xxx' is not happening", and use that as a basis for condemning the point being made. If you would spend a bit of time actually watching the news you would find that a lot IS NOT happening, - yet - but, BUT, it is in the process of being thrown out as bait to gauge the public reaction, & whether this certain "program" will fly or not!
I too have been vaxed, but I fully understand the reluctance of others due to politics being so intrusive in this brouhaha.
I got vaxed simply because my Dr advised it, most likely due to my age - 84 - & even then I did it reluctantly.
I totally & completely grasp the hesitancy to "jab" simply because **** I don't care how well the results of verifying the safety of them is/was, LONG TERM EFFECTS ARE NOT KNOWN****!!!
For things of this nature, "LONG TERM", IMHO, would be several years minimum to be proven OK.
Personally, I'm of the opinion that if Biden et al would SHUT UP re: this bug, and concentrate on the safety of this nation (their primary reason for existence), this bug would be history within 6 months or less as people resumed their life without the accompanying fear that is so prevalent to day!!!
'Course it would not hurt for them (govt) to quit incentivizing the masses to become couch potatos either!