It's easy to understand [ from reading the many posts on the different threads here] why some of you can't understand the ways of Christ [ as in Christian ] through His One Church with its Apostolic Teachings together along with the Holy Bible with its One and only Interpretation as intended.How can any of you possibly believe that individual interpretation is the valid way taught by the Bible, when the Bible itself is against it. It boggles ones mind to think that the intellect of some actually believe that their particular church has the correct interpretation out of a number far exceeding 30,000 different conlicting interpretations when the Bible tells you differently, so much for sola Scriptura. The Holy Bible is the inerrant Word of God and has only One real Interpretation.
It's official, you've been hoodwinked into believing in a false system.
Those poor Bereans who read the Scriptures daily to see whether those things were so, how dare them do such a thing. Too bad you catholics weren't there to stop them, rather it's a good thing. I'd suggest that you would have reacted like the Jews did to this, which is expressed in Acts 17:13. It's the same spirit in this verse that you and your system possess.
I've also taken notice since we PROVED your system does in fact pray TO Mary, saints and angels, with documentation, you've decided not to respond back only to justify that you in fact do that which you formerly denied once we provided proof.
Talk about self-deception.