First, "Jewish scholars" are not saved. Therefore with what "light" do they interpret the Scriptures?" Jesus said their father was the devil, the father of liars (John 8:44).
Well, the Orthodox scholars aren't, but the Messianic ones are, and some Messianic sources make the same claims.
It's an historical perspective, not a Theological one. Even unsaved people can have insight into the lineage of their own kings.
Not a very good source is it?
For Theology, not very...
For an historical perspective on Psalms they've been studying for thousands of years, sometimes, yes.
The Jewish scholars commenting in the Talmud, since the death of Christ, write deliberately to deny the deity of Christ and denigrate his Person.
Yes, but these aren't necessarily Talmudic scholars.
But you still trust their scholarship?
On certain topics, no, on others, yes.
Of course, I don't believe Psalm 51:5 is sufficient to prove Original Sin either way, which is why I didn't bother to make Winman's argument in my O.P. It doesn't matter whether those particular scholars are right or wrong.
There is honesty in hermeneutics. Winman has been devoid of it in reference to this psalm.
The historical background may or may not be mistaken....I know only this, you appear not to have even investigated the claim itself. It's not as though you know who David's mother is, or whether you have studied to find out if there isn't possibly MORE to the background of David's life which might add perspective to why he said what he said.
Winman's view doesn't particularly change the hermeneutic of that Psalm at all. The historical background for David's mentioning his mother MAY be true, and Original Sin could ALSO be true at the same time....
I don't discount it merely because I fear it breaks down my beloved doctrine of Original doesn't. I get the feeling you believe that if what Winman suggests is true, then the doctrine of Original Sin fails....
It doesn't have to, so there's no reason I.M.O. to dig in your heels on this.
"The blame my mother for my sin philosophy"
Neither YOUR view, nor Winman's must necessarily "blame anyone" for sin....either way it's an issue of whether you choose to make an excuse for yourself.
You appear to be stuck in arguments from consequence.
was unknown until the 20th century.
"Original Sin" was unkown to Hebrew Theology and still is.
Where did it come from? Freud and Humanistic thinking. That is what popularized this warped kind of philosophy.
You can worry about the Freud thing all you want. He's irrelevant, but o.k.
However, David, in this psalm of repentance took full responsible of his own sin. He never blamed his mother at all.
Winman's view doesn't "blame" his mother.
That's where you are misguided:
Theoretically, your view of "Original Sin" COULD be used to blame his mother, or God, if you wanted....
Winman's view places NO blame on his mother, since, he doesn't believe he inherited guilt.
It puzzles me that you don't see that this "BLAME GAME" can work both ways, since it can, I don't think it's valuable to play it.
To infer that he did is outlandish, ridiculous, and leads one that he has been brainwashed by the public school system for too long. He is reading into the text that which is not there.
He isn't inferring that David blames his mother...
You are taking Winman's statements, and inferring FROM THEM that it necessarily places blame on his mother instead of himself..
Winman will never make the claim that his mother is at fault for David's sin....
BOTH of you know the blame rests squarely upon David's shoulders, period.
I don't see how you can't get past it.
It doesn't even matter what I believe. What he believes concerning verse 5 is not there. What he believes concerning David and his family is not in the Bible.
Placing Scriptures into their known historical contexts to shed light on them is common practice and you know that, and you do it all the time. We all do, it's valuable to do so....
All Winman is doing is suggesting possible historical background to David's meaning, and, again, it doesn't
HAVE to alter the hermeneutic at seem to think it HAS to, but it doesn't.
What he believes about David's "psychological makeup" is not in the Bible.
Have you ever heard people take Saul's history and his known evil Spirits and make some conjectures about is possibly Psychological make-up in order to shed some light on his (obvious) craziness?
There's nothing wrong with doing that unless you take it as Biblical instead of realizing that it is conjecture.
This is Freudian philosophy, guess work, based on a public school education and not any Biblical exegesis.
Why do you insist is "Freudian"? Why not Behavioral Psychology based on Skinner or Jungian Philosophy....
Why Freud?
I think you say "Freudian" only because he is a boogeyman to us. I fail to see the connection.
Good Bible exegesis would tell a completely different story of David.
Good Bible exegesis tells us NOTHING about who David's mother how do you know??
Where does the "blame your parents," blame your environment," blame anything but yourself" philosophy come from?
No one is blaming anybody, you simply seem to think that Winman's background MUST NECESSARILY do so.
Your Theology blames your birth and inherited traits so, why can't everybody play that game?
Winman doesn't believe that David inherited a nature which REQUIRES him to sin, you do...
So, how then, does Winman's suggestion blame anyone other than himself? That dog just don't hunt.
It is recent. It is 20th century. It is not Biblical. This is Winman's take on Psalm 51:5. The Psalm is a Psalm of repentance, not one of blaming my mother for my sin. That is one of the most abhorrent interpretations ever put in writing.
Winman doesn't blame his mother, so, you are tilting at windmills.
If you agree that it is talking about David's sin and his alone, how can you agree with Winman, that it is speaking of his mother's sin? There is a contradiction here.
Lemme put it this way...
If David is broken about his sin, and he has a mother who is tainted with sin, it provides David with a view of HIMSELF and WHO he is which is un-becoming and tainted....
After all, if he is indeed the son of a tainted woman, it simply gives him a sense of self-loathing.
David was full of intense self-loathing when he wrote that Psalm. Both your view that he inherited guilt and sin, and Winman's suggestion that his mother was tainted give David grounds for self-loathing....BOTH are inextricably related to their birth and their ancestors one way or the other.....
That doesn't shift blame.
It is an evil interpretation.
It's simply added historical background information which doesn't necessarily effect how you understand the thrust of the Psalm.
What Winman says can be true, and your view of Original Sin, or your understanding of that Psalm doesn't have to change either way.