I was born, just as World War II, just as the two conflicts were ending and ecause of this I did not know real conflict until President Johnson decided to upscale the Vietnam Civil War into a matter of world concern. With a prolific German grandfather and Irish grandmother I had uncles that fought in WW II and in Korea. One of my German named uncles even died fighting his relatives in Europe for the good of this nation.
My dad, my Step-father, was a twelve year, two war American Veteran and I had real life heroes. Lying here on my VA supplied Hospital Style Bed, I'm watching Hannity interview General McChrystal and I'm struck by one of his comments, “A veteran is a person you thank for their service when you see them in the airport.” There is more truth in that statement than any non-vet will ever dwell upon.
From the moment this nation declared itself, it has been dependent upon the men willing to die for it's right to exist. We have, in these, most, recent years not cared to know these men for more reasons than I'll ever care to examine but men that are willing to die for what they believe in will be forever required until the LORD ends this mess and recreates the world, perfected.
The missing truth, I didn't forget, they don't live in your community and you don't want to know them, these nuts that believe so much in the safety of there moms, sisters, wives, girlfriends and children that they walk into live gunfire to stop it. If you choose to respond to this post, please think before typing. I am not talking about you son, your brother or the kid in your church that you send the most useless things imaginable to in a country you could care less about.
I wear pins for some of my medals on my hats and I get these condescending “Thank you for your service,” remarks all of the time. No man and no woman can ever take the spittle that dripped from my face in November of 1969 away. I knew before I came home that the American people despised me, my men and my Officers and I did not care then and I still do not care! Those of us that defend this nation, against your desire to allow your children to be slaughtered in their front yards and much worse for not resisting, will not see this country in the condition we have seen overseas because of the nation's, in general, cowardice.
I did not call you a coward! However, you might want to ask yourself, “What am I doing to shore up the defense, the required defense, of this nation.” And if you see a GI on the highway, can he spend a night on your couch and get supper and breakfast before going on?
My dad, my Step-father, was a twelve year, two war American Veteran and I had real life heroes. Lying here on my VA supplied Hospital Style Bed, I'm watching Hannity interview General McChrystal and I'm struck by one of his comments, “A veteran is a person you thank for their service when you see them in the airport.” There is more truth in that statement than any non-vet will ever dwell upon.
From the moment this nation declared itself, it has been dependent upon the men willing to die for it's right to exist. We have, in these, most, recent years not cared to know these men for more reasons than I'll ever care to examine but men that are willing to die for what they believe in will be forever required until the LORD ends this mess and recreates the world, perfected.
The missing truth, I didn't forget, they don't live in your community and you don't want to know them, these nuts that believe so much in the safety of there moms, sisters, wives, girlfriends and children that they walk into live gunfire to stop it. If you choose to respond to this post, please think before typing. I am not talking about you son, your brother or the kid in your church that you send the most useless things imaginable to in a country you could care less about.
I wear pins for some of my medals on my hats and I get these condescending “Thank you for your service,” remarks all of the time. No man and no woman can ever take the spittle that dripped from my face in November of 1969 away. I knew before I came home that the American people despised me, my men and my Officers and I did not care then and I still do not care! Those of us that defend this nation, against your desire to allow your children to be slaughtered in their front yards and much worse for not resisting, will not see this country in the condition we have seen overseas because of the nation's, in general, cowardice.
I did not call you a coward! However, you might want to ask yourself, “What am I doing to shore up the defense, the required defense, of this nation.” And if you see a GI on the highway, can he spend a night on your couch and get supper and breakfast before going on?