Well-Known Member
Gal 1:6-9
6 I am amazed that you are so quickly deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ, for a different gospel; 7 which is really not another; only there are some who are disturbing you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we (APOSTLES), or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed! 9 As we have said before, so I say again now, if any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received, he is to be accursed!
And of course we know what Paul was teaching 2000 years ago - -because we can "read" the Bible where Paul's teaching is found in his own letters to the church.
Paul does not merely say "THOSE guys who claim to be APOSTLES" but rather he says 'WE" Apostles. Paul is holding himself - as a first-order primary Apostle in the NT - to this rule.
One does not have to read the text assuming that the RCC is in error - to get the point. We do not assume Paul is in error when he writes it - even though he insists that the rule applies to himself as well.
The ONLY way we can hold ALL Apostles to that rule - even Paul -- is to accept the Bible as the word of God and read it - and judge them against it.
A. you frame your rebuttal as an "argument with the text" when you say it that way. Are you sure you want to do it.
B. you distort the text to 'assume' that Paul is saying "make up a gospel of your own - then judge Apostles and Angels against it" -- rather Paul appeals to the objective standard of scripture - and even Peter admits that in the NT - Paul's letters were being accepted as continued - "scripture". But nobody was writing words like "the only scripture we have - is what Paul just wrote today". No NT author claims such a thing.
C. Paul's instruction cannot be followed at all - using your rule of the form "you don't actually understand anything correctly so you cannot read this text and do what Paul is saying"
Here again you circle back to your own doctrine of "you don't understand anything so you cannot do as Paul commands you to do -- judging Apostles and even Angelic teaching" -- which I think everyone here would agree - is not a doctrine of the "Baptist Herbert". So we are again left asking "how in the world did the Baptist Herbert ever come to oppose Paul in Gal 1 and suppose that he could not do what Paul commanded"?
None of my posts argue that a specific Catholic teaching needs to be found to be in error in order to accept and follow Paul's teaching in Gal 1:6-9 -- other than the teaching that opposes sola scriptura testing of all doctrine - as Paul also requires in this chapter.
I fail to see how you are getting to that conclusion.
6 I am amazed that you are so quickly deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ, for a different gospel; 7 which is really not another; only there are some who are disturbing you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we (APOSTLES), or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed! 9 As we have said before, so I say again now, if any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received, he is to be accursed!
And of course we know what Paul was teaching 2000 years ago - -because we can "read" the Bible where Paul's teaching is found in his own letters to the church.
Paul does not merely say "THOSE guys who claim to be APOSTLES" but rather he says 'WE" Apostles. Paul is holding himself - as a first-order primary Apostle in the NT - to this rule.
3 of 3:
Galatians 1:6-9
Response: A Catholic affirms every word of this and every other Scriptural passage in the Bible, rightly understood. In order to appeal to this verse to substantiate your position, there are certain things you must presume about competing positions, namely, that they preach “another Gospel.”
One does not have to read the text assuming that the RCC is in error - to get the point. We do not assume Paul is in error when he writes it - even though he insists that the rule applies to himself as well.
The ONLY way we can hold ALL Apostles to that rule - even Paul -- is to accept the Bible as the word of God and read it - and judge them against it.
But if your “version” of the Gospel was reached mistakenly (and is thus false to some degree), are you in a position to, by comparative analysis, deem other “versions” of the Gospel false?
A. you frame your rebuttal as an "argument with the text" when you say it that way. Are you sure you want to do it.
B. you distort the text to 'assume' that Paul is saying "make up a gospel of your own - then judge Apostles and Angels against it" -- rather Paul appeals to the objective standard of scripture - and even Peter admits that in the NT - Paul's letters were being accepted as continued - "scripture". But nobody was writing words like "the only scripture we have - is what Paul just wrote today". No NT author claims such a thing.
C. Paul's instruction cannot be followed at all - using your rule of the form "you don't actually understand anything correctly so you cannot read this text and do what Paul is saying"
Once again, you’re begging the question. You’re presuming the validity of your understanding of things when your understanding of things is the very thing in question which has yet to be demonstrated through Scripture or anything else.
Here again you circle back to your own doctrine of "you don't understand anything so you cannot do as Paul commands you to do -- judging Apostles and even Angelic teaching" -- which I think everyone here would agree - is not a doctrine of the "Baptist Herbert". So we are again left asking "how in the world did the Baptist Herbert ever come to oppose Paul in Gal 1 and suppose that he could not do what Paul commanded"?
So without having demonstrated the point, you’re presuming that your position (that the Catholic Church teaches “another Gospel.”) is true.
None of my posts argue that a specific Catholic teaching needs to be found to be in error in order to accept and follow Paul's teaching in Gal 1:6-9 -- other than the teaching that opposes sola scriptura testing of all doctrine - as Paul also requires in this chapter.
Only if such a conclusion has already been reached is your appeal to St. Paul’s words here even remotely addressing the question of Sola Scriptura
I fail to see how you are getting to that conclusion.