I think the problem that I have with you, Evangelist6589, is that if left to my own devises I would have a similar legalistic view as you possess. I love theology (my master’s was in theology). It is easy for me to lean towards my own understanding…it is the position of most comfort for me. What you trumpet as “discernment” I am trying to subdue in my own life so that I can be more like Christ. While I do not apologize for any replies in the past (I do find you lacking in discernment, uninfluenced by the Holy Spirit in your interactions, and a bit immature), I do hope that I didn’t come off crass.
I am the type of person who cannot accept praise, but welcomes criticism (I tend to think a complement insincere while criticism informs me of my weaknesses). So if I sound harsh, that is not my intent…although sugarcoating the truth is also not something in which I excel. What I said before (and you ignored…maybe you have me on “ignore,” which is fine as it does not diminish my attempt at communication) is that you need to study Scripture and not books. You need to pray and meditate. Even when you have the “right answers” they turn out wrong because of your legalistic understanding.
Learn what it means to be “in Christ”…not the theological definition (I’m sure you have the 'correct' answer) but experientially. There is a difference between knowing about God and knowing God. You have never exhibited evidence of the latter…but perhaps it is only due to online anonymity … or Mikes Hard Lemonade (I am not saying you are unsaved, only that you do not appear to be so).
In so many ways you have what I am lacking...what I envy. I admire your zeal to reach people and wish that I was more outgoing. If only there was evidence of Christ in your message...Anyway, I am praying for you, John. I hope that you'll discard all of those books for a time and simply study the Bible. I hope that you will discover what it means to be "Christ like" and turn your current zeal for "truth" to a true zeal for the Truth. My comments are not up for "debate," but please feel free to PM me. If you do not understand what I mean, I will also provide my personnel e-mail address...if necessary my phone number. It is not what you know about, but Who you know.