"Criminal" is an elastic term. If you let your grass grow beyond a certain height in many cities, you can be fined. If you speed, you have broken the law. If you shoplift a $10 watch at Wal-Mart, are you are criminal? (Wal-Mart is a no-holds-barred retailer and will call the police for an orange.)
If you speed and don't get caught, are you a criminal? My city outlaws tobacco use at public parks. If you sneak a puff, you have broken the law, although the police will never enforce it because they have better things to do. My car was sideswiped by a driver under the influence. No charges were filed, but she was still guilty. Was she a criminal?
You mowed a few lawns and made $100, which you didn't report as income on your tax return. That's against the law. Are you a criminal?
If you speed and don't get caught, are you a criminal? My city outlaws tobacco use at public parks. If you sneak a puff, you have broken the law, although the police will never enforce it because they have better things to do. My car was sideswiped by a driver under the influence. No charges were filed, but she was still guilty. Was she a criminal?
You mowed a few lawns and made $100, which you didn't report as income on your tax return. That's against the law. Are you a criminal?