I have an uneasy feeling, especially after I see "scare the people" articles like this one:
Veterans Fortify the Ranks of Militias Aligned With Trump's Views
Do you think there will be violence after the election, no matter who wins?
I certainly do.
First of all, we have seen the stark divide between the Democratic and Repbuican parties in the past view years even before Trump was elected. This represents a stark divide between the people in the U.S. And this division is so deep and wide, that there is no bridging it. There is no place to compromise any more. The Conservative, Right, and Christian, are on one side. The Liberal, Left,and Atheists, are on the other. An impassable gulf.
Second of all, once the fighting and antagonism starts occurring between the politicians, which it has, it is only a step away from it then being acted out with the people of the nation. Which it is. You see an example of this in what is called our 'Civil War'. That war really wasn't a civil war. It was a war between the States. But this next one, and yes it is coming, will be a real civil war. It is not just going to involve States. It is going to involve those political divisions mentioned. And it will take place in every state.
Third of all, because race is such a powerful division, the coming civil war will certainly take on a race war. Yes, there are blacks and minorities in the Republican party. But over all it is white, and is seen by blacks and minorities as white. Yes there are whites in the Democratic party but it is seen as the party of blacks and minorities. Once the shooting and killing starts, and one of a certain race kills or rapes another of a certain race, then the political views will be dropped and it will be race against race.
So, my advice to all is to purchase a gun now and an abundance of ammo while you still can. If Republicans win, the riots will certainly escalate. If the Democrats win the riots will escalate cause they are being supported now by Democratic leaders. They will feel they have the freedom to do exactly what they are doing. The Democrats have made it clear, as if it wasn't known already, they will come after your guns. It will be harder to take a gun you own then to impede your ability to buy a gun. If you wait, you may not get another chance.
Civil war is coming to this country unless one race bows down to the other. One race will dominate. Our country has no answer as how to stop it because it ignores the division of race. It wants to see all men as 'equal'. But all men are not equal.