You make some good points Oldtimer. However Dave Ramey would say that some people cannot pay back their debt due to their income to debt ratio. I am in such a boat and need a better income if I ever expect to pay back all my debts. This is common sense 101, and while I can make min payments on my loans, I most definitely can pay more to my smaller credit card debts. And besides there is nothing wrong with having a budget and sticking to it.
My costs for last night.
Ticket $15 I got it for FREE from a friend
Eating out costs=$0
Transportation costs=I just drove my car 20 minutes on the interstate and like 5 in the city
Soda/Candy Costs $15-- Yes this is where I was danged and spent more than I should have
Yes, Dave Ramsey would say that some people cannot pay back ALL of their debt during their total working years based on their income/debt ratio. However, unless I'm badly mistaken, he would not say that can be used as an excuse to slack off on trying to pay back every cent that is owed to someone else, as quickly as possible.
As long as you owe other people, (yes, there are people on the other side of those credit cards) you are using their money to entertain yourself. This morning one of those cards could have had an estimated $20 lower balance had you chosen to do so.
Dave's phrase "beans and rice, rice and beans" means exactly what it says. It's a inexpensive complete protein and can meet that nutritional requirement to sustain our body. "Beans and rice" also means applying the same principle to every aspect of our lives. Use the least expensive option(s) to sustain our lives while paying our debts, even if it's impossible to pay the total amount over the all the years of our working lifetime. Spending money for entertainment isn't "beans and rice" as there are many free ways one can be "entertained".
For whatever it's worth, I (we) earned the right to be on this soapbox. We went into debt when we got married to have a place to live and transportation. We went into debt when we purchased unimproved land and carved our homestead from pastureland. It took all the forms of "beans and rice" to pay our debts. That included staying home and watching rabbit ears TV when we would have liked to go to the movies and pay a buck for a soda and popcorn. That buck went to pay a bit more on our debt.
Probably the best example is the month we moved here. Paid monthly, I had $10 left from my check after paying the minimum expectations on the debt we'd incurred. No, I didn't hold back an extra $25 so that we could have a movie night. We survived by using every form of "beans and rice" so that our creditors were paid their rightful due. BTW, we didn't have "high paying" jobs either. I was a clerk in a textile mill at the time.
Think about it for a moment. What are you doing to your testimony as a preacher when you go to a questionable movie and spend money that you owe to someone else? Don't forget that every unsaved/undecided person among your friends, family, co-workers, and "singles" is watching the fruit you bear. If you don't pick up your cross and carry it, everyday, how can you expect the witness of your life to lead others to come to the cross?
Deny yourself, just as our Saviour did, in order to meet your obligations and set the example that others should follow.