I went to the ER Sunday evening after experiencing vision problems in my right eye. The best way I can describe it is that I have an Oreo cookie shaped disc blocking my central vision. It alternates between fuzzy and opaque. I can see around it but not directly ahead, at least not well. When I got to the hospital my blood pressure was extremely high. The attending physician was shocked I didn't have a stroke. Over the next several hours they worked on getting my blood pressure down. They were somewhat successful, but my blood pressure was still high. Yesterday I went to an ophthalmologist and a retina specialist. Both confirmed that I have something called retinal vein occlusion. I also have macular edema in both eyes, although only the right eye is symptomatic. The retina specialist is recommending eye injections with a drug called Avastin. The injections may continue up to one year. The plan is to keep the left eye from becoming symptomatic and preserving sight in my right eye. I am working hard on lowering my blood pressure and losing weight. I have shared this with a few close friend and I am thankful for their prayers. I am now asking for your prayers. Thank you very much.