Three pages and the OP still can't answer my question. This is what happens when you base your doctrines on subjective and esoteric experiences instead of the objective and authoritative word of God.
First of all, JohnDeereFan, It is not that I "can't" answer you, or that i'm avoiding your question for some reason, as you implied. The truth is, I very seldom log onto this site, because from past experience, I have found most of the people on here, as least the one's i've had dealings with, to be very beligerent and disrespectful, and often come off with a "holier than thou" attitude rather than with the Christian love which Christ taught His followers. It hasn't even crossed my mind to access this thread in weeks now, until this morning. Now, before I answer your question, I would like to ask you the same question which someone else has posted. Precisely what "doctrines" have I based upon this dream. You don't know me, but I assure you that I have based my doctrinal views upon scripture and scripture ALONE!!! Yes, I found the dream interesting, and I believe it to be from God. It reminded both my wife and I of the urgency of witnessing to her family, so I found it to be helpful. I'm well aware of the fact that scripture teaches us to witness and that scripture tells us the Lord is coming back. Does that mean that it is impossible or unnescessary for God to use other means to remind His children of those truths, or to make it more personal and urgent for them, as He sees a need to? No. If that is your view, then there would also be no need for a pastor to preach to believers on the Great Commission, or on the second coming, since scripture teaches us about them. Now, to answer you're question, I believe that scripture is the true and final revelation from God, and that He will reveal no "new truth", because He has revealed what He wants known. Therefore the Koran, book of Mormon,etc., are not revelations from God and are rather nothing short of heresy. But, I believe that God does choose to emphasize, if you will, certain truths, which are already contained in His Word, if there is a need. For instance, my wife and I both were very aware of what the Word of God says about witnessing. But, over time, after witnessing to her family over and over, and seeing no visible results, we became discouraged in a sense, and our efforts began to dwindle. I'm not saying that was right, but it does happen, and if you'll be honest, if you witness faithfully for the Lord, it has happened to you. Every faithful believer experiences this at some point. So, in my view, God chose to communicate with her through a dream, to give her a new sense of urgency about winning her loved ones. The fact that God would choose to operate in this way in NO WAY takes away from the authority of scripture.