Other than their eschatology and lack of evangelism I pretty much liked the church. Every know and then its good to get out and visit other non IFB like churches. Music was contemporary, and some on stage wore jeans. The pastor dressed business casual, and only a few members had a suit and tie. Sermon was excellent and the pastor did not dodge controversial issues as the sermon was on suffering gathered from the book of Acts. All preaching was from the ESV a excellent translation.
In SS the translation was also the ESV, but the church seems to favor according to a member the ESV/NASB/NIV as teachers have their prefs. SS was discussion based and Total Depravity, the effectual call of the spirit, Lordship Salvation, the holiness of God, the sovereignty of God in salvation, and such themes were emphasized. In SS I spoke and definitely did not miss to speak on the total depravity of man when the topic was appropriate to discuss and people agreed with what I said so no conflict.
The only difference was when we spoke about evangelism for a moment I said people need to be out passing out tracts and doing open air preaching, and the elder (church uses a biblical form of church government, and not the lack of elders that most Baptist churches use) said that living the life is our best witness. While this can be true, God commands people to be out witnessing and preaching the word (Mark 16:15, Acts 1:8). Since the church lacked a tract wall I got the picture that evangelism was not much of an emphasis which is sad. I had no conflict there and although I wanted to hand the elder a copy of the book The Way of the Master, or What did Jesus do? I thought it would be unwise.
Calvinists do not agree on this one and definitely there are other Reformed Baptist churches that would have a tract wall and would be very big on being out witnessing.
In SS the translation was also the ESV, but the church seems to favor according to a member the ESV/NASB/NIV as teachers have their prefs. SS was discussion based and Total Depravity, the effectual call of the spirit, Lordship Salvation, the holiness of God, the sovereignty of God in salvation, and such themes were emphasized. In SS I spoke and definitely did not miss to speak on the total depravity of man when the topic was appropriate to discuss and people agreed with what I said so no conflict.
The only difference was when we spoke about evangelism for a moment I said people need to be out passing out tracts and doing open air preaching, and the elder (church uses a biblical form of church government, and not the lack of elders that most Baptist churches use) said that living the life is our best witness. While this can be true, God commands people to be out witnessing and preaching the word (Mark 16:15, Acts 1:8). Since the church lacked a tract wall I got the picture that evangelism was not much of an emphasis which is sad. I had no conflict there and although I wanted to hand the elder a copy of the book The Way of the Master, or What did Jesus do? I thought it would be unwise.
Calvinists do not agree on this one and definitely there are other Reformed Baptist churches that would have a tract wall and would be very big on being out witnessing.
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