I will gladly live 4 years with Romney as President because he is not a socialist.
We will ALL suffer under 4 more years of obama. Mark my words, obama is a closet muslim and will "come out" if he wins the next round. Islam/socialism/marxism are all sides of the same coin.
As far as Mr. Romney being a Mormon, as a kid, I remember how awful Baptists thought it was that we might have a Catholic for president and rumors soared that JFK woud be taking orders from the Vatican, etc. I have relatives who are Mormon, so perhaps I am not as hypercritical of Mormonism as some of the members here. Discussions with those family members have not confirmed the hyperbole about Mormonism that is regularly presented on this board. And when someone professes Jesus Christ is Lord, well, anyone can do that, but how is the walk? God discerns the heart. I won't argue over whether Mormonism is a cult or not. Just as I won't argue over whether the aborted unborn are in heaven or dogs go to heaven or join in the C/A debates. There are no experts, really, on some of these things until we see Jesus. And if a person walks the walk instead of just lip service, I have to accept that. We are all imperfect. Some are saved by grace. Some are flat out wicked.
So, if Republicans nominate an atheist, then I will sit out the election, or if I totally gave up hope that things could turn around. I guess that will be when I'm raptured or dead, that I give up hope, though some days are more hopeful than others. The way the world is, it makes me wonder how Noah could have kept going all those decades, building an ark, living in the midst of evil. But I digress....
If Mr. Romney professes to be a Christian and believes Jesus Christ is Lord and lives out conservative Christian ideals and principles, and demonstrates his love for this country, that is good enough for me. And we know he will stand with Israel (because he is a Mormon) and we know where he was born. That he is a genuine natural born citizen. Those 2 things we know for certain, without a doubt.
As far as I am concerned, we already have a muslim in the WH, though not an outwardly practicing one. Yet. (Personally, I believe he is AC, but that is another thread).
ANYONE is better than what the socialist party (Democrats) have to offer. Even a Donald Trump.
So, no. I have no problem with Mitt Romney as an alternative to obama. I pray the Lord protects him and his family.