JonC, reading the comments on the article, it is clear that Yahoo News did not give all the information. From other sources, the documents matched. The Walmart employee did not honor the money order because they did not believe that a man was named Melissa (or whatever it was.) I am not a supporter of transgenderism by any measure, but it is hard to justify the decision made by the employee. I know several detransitioners and a couple of the people I know looked very much like the sex they had transitioned to. But if you talked to them for any period of time, it was obvious what their actual sex, their birth sex, was.
The employee's responsibility was to determine if the person was who they said they were or not. They should have realized that there was a chance that the person they were waiting on was a freak, held their nose, and properly did their job.
P.S. The first site that DuckDuckGo listed on my search was this one:
Walmart staff accused of sneering at trans man in disgust and refusing service It includes the information that Yahoo missed but it is not a source I would trust to be unbiased otherwise.