I'm interested in this as I am coming to know more and more people who have done this and say it was an encounter with the Word and with sin, forcing them to a place of repentance and devotion like no other. A local IFB church, a SBC church, and local Reformed Baptist church all are sending key leaders to this and all are claiming to see a blessing because of it. As much as I have questions which most of you have already articulated, I also have seen Godly fruit come of it. I am hesitant therefore to call it something evil. I do think there's a benefit to being away from the trappings of the world to get alone with the Word. After all, Jesus withdrew from people to get alone and get with the disciples. What we should shun is anything that would take us from the fabric of the local church. And of course, we should shun anything that takes a swipe at the authority of the Word or places human experience over God's Word.
As another example, I'm wary of the seeker sensitive movement. Yet I know these types of churches who have seen people gloriously saved and who articulate a conversion based on seeing their sin in light of God's Word and who repented and believed the gospel.
So I'm undecided at this point. Having never been, I can't judge what Emmaus is first-hand.
As another example, I'm wary of the seeker sensitive movement. Yet I know these types of churches who have seen people gloriously saved and who articulate a conversion based on seeing their sin in light of God's Word and who repented and believed the gospel.
So I'm undecided at this point. Having never been, I can't judge what Emmaus is first-hand.