I heard this story long ago, but can't remember who told it to me:
A young man, dirty, stinking, and dressed in rags, came into a sanctuary just as the Sunday morning worship service began. As he looked for a seat, nobody was willing to allow him to sit by them, and they shifted their bodies to fill the pews, so he could find no seat. At last, he sat down on the floor right at the front of the sanctuary, centered on the aisle he had walked down.
An elderly deacon, who had been watching from his seat near the back of the church, slowly stood up and made his way down the aisle. It was obvious that the congregation was pleased that this long-time and highly respected deacon was going to do something about this filthy ragamuffin at the front of the church. When the deacon got to the front, he slowly got down and sat beside the young man, and shook his hand, prayed with him, and acted like he had found a long-lost friend!
While I do not remember where I heard this, I do remember that the person who told me, wanted me (a deacon-in-training) to learn the heart of a deacon. It worked!
Bill :godisgood: