Darrell- I am 23 and I went through just what you are going through about 18 months ago and was saved around that time. I also drank, did drugs, was materialistic, and lived life for "ME". There were two main keys that delivered me away from this bondage (whether you are saved or not is not my say). The bondage you are having, if it is like mine was, is fear of self-deception, correct? You are scared that you have missed something and have tons of scary thoughts racing through your mind continually as you meditate on trying to find a solution. The solution for me was searching the Bible, the New Testament in honest prayer with God about my feelings. At some point of going through this terrifying time in my life I decided and truly wanted to just freely give my everything to the Lord Jesus as I was sorry beyond words for my sin and knew how much I needed Him. Another way to put it was I grabbed onto Jesus with my life and turned everything over to Him as if I was falling off of a cliff to my death and He was that branch that I could grab, my only hope.
I also wanted to say that sin will never stop clawing on your door until the day you die, and we must fight it until the day we die so that we can love and honor Jesus with all our hearts. That is the least we could do for the great love He has for us. Trust me you will always make mistakes but never let our weakness become an excuse and be decieved.
As for not sinning- It is important we remain pure before God, but the way to look at it is not burdensome in a condemning way. We need to not sin because we love the Lord and long to remain in His fellowship. We know from our past how devistating it is, but dont feel like you are going to be cut off from God if you sin (one who isnt in Christ is already cut off and under God's wrath). We are to want to not sin by faith as we hate sin. When we are saved Christ is the substitute for us, because of His grace He took the wrath of God for our sins. When the Bible refers to us as being clothed in white garments or cleansed through the blood of Christ it means just that. On the cross He took all our sin upon Himself once and forever and made a transfer of His perfection for our wretchedness. Therefore as we strive for righteousness we can know that because of Christ's payment for us that even when we unintentionally stumble or fall away that we will still be looked upon as perfect in the Final Judgment. Fear isnt bad because it should always draw us back into fellowship with God.
Rev 22:17- The Spirit and the Bride say, “Come.” And let the one who hears say, “Come.” And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who desires take the water of life without price.
Salvation is an unearned free gift of God, and all you have to do is just "Come" as you seem to desire and take rest in Christ. Make Him be your life and your reason for living, if you havent already and keep your focus on Him. Everytime you have a problem like this you take it to Him and whenever you dont have a problem take it to Him. Get to know Him and understand what He has to say (In His Word).