And there's still no real evidence from what I see. Where is the proof, who is the Russian that guessed Podesta's email password?
Flynn was fired because he misled Pence. So he has been wanting immunity, so? His connections to Russia are probably the strongest but I find it odd he has had no takers for the deal, meaning Flynn doesn't have anything worth telling or they suspect perjury. So far it sounds like Flynn is more in trouble with the Turks but this guy was made a general by Obama and served under him. He is a registered Democrat but maybe he remembers Scooter Libby. Looks bad that Flynn told Meet the Depressed in September that if you asked for immunity "you probably had committed a crime".
I'd expect a presidential-elect candidate to meet with foreign ambassadors and the Ukrainian amendment wasn't a change, it was a response to 2014 events over there:
Explosive memos suggest that a Trump-Russia quid pro quo was at the heart of the GOP's dramatic shift on Ukraine
and still miles tougher than that thing Hillary's party put out.
But this stuff with Russia still comes off as whacky but sometimes I have to wonder if Trump didn't knowingly and deliberately escalate all of this with the "Putin, release those email" jokes last year. Hillary talked and talked about this when she shouldn't have been talking job creation in Michigan. This is like Captain Ahab and the great white whale but here they know where the whale is but have no harpoon.
Flynn was fired because he misled Pence. So he has been wanting immunity, so? His connections to Russia are probably the strongest but I find it odd he has had no takers for the deal, meaning Flynn doesn't have anything worth telling or they suspect perjury. So far it sounds like Flynn is more in trouble with the Turks but this guy was made a general by Obama and served under him. He is a registered Democrat but maybe he remembers Scooter Libby. Looks bad that Flynn told Meet the Depressed in September that if you asked for immunity "you probably had committed a crime".
I'd expect a presidential-elect candidate to meet with foreign ambassadors and the Ukrainian amendment wasn't a change, it was a response to 2014 events over there:
Explosive memos suggest that a Trump-Russia quid pro quo was at the heart of the GOP's dramatic shift on Ukraine
and still miles tougher than that thing Hillary's party put out.
But this stuff with Russia still comes off as whacky but sometimes I have to wonder if Trump didn't knowingly and deliberately escalate all of this with the "Putin, release those email" jokes last year. Hillary talked and talked about this when she shouldn't have been talking job creation in Michigan. This is like Captain Ahab and the great white whale but here they know where the whale is but have no harpoon.