Both cooperation and God's operation?
Then salvation isn't really "of the Lord", if that is true.
For eternal life to be a
gift ( Romans 6:22-23 ), then God has to give it...not mankind to "accept it", and everything that appears to be a "requirement" has to be given as well.
For it to be a
reward, then God has to require something, no matter how big or small from our point of view, from man in
How exactly does one
pay God, when all that they have comes from Him ( John 3:27, 1 Corinthians 4:7, James 1:17 )?
When they are blind, naked and hungry, spiritually ( Romans 1:18-32, Romans 3:10-18, John 3:19-20, Revelation 3:17 )?
What form would that payment take?
Belief ( Incidentally, belief is not a is a gift ( Philippians 1:29 ) given to God's children. )?
Belief plus
Belief plus
repentance plus
Belief ( John 3:16 ), plus
repentance, plus
baptism ( Acts of the Apostles 2:38 ), plus
good works ( James 2:17 ), plus
enduring to the end ( Matthew 24:13 ), plus
obedience to His commands ( Matthew 7:21 ), plus... what?
I'm not ridiculing you, steaver...
I'm showing you where this line of thinking actually leads.

It leads to mankind having to "pony up" and do something, however small, to
merit God's grace.
Anything in the above, if we as men are responsible for it, makes God indebted to us ( Romans 4:4 ).
Therefore, if salvation could be earned by
doing something, then that would make it by something
other than the sheer grace of God Almighty ( Romans 11:5-6 ).
If man is anything
other than a passive recipient of the grace of God, then it is based on
his efforts, because that is the deciding factor...
what man does, regardless of what God does or doesn't do.
With respect, every religion I know of teaches or believes some form of that.
I don't see the Bible teaching that anywhere, except if taken in bits and relevant chunks.
Scripture, if taken in verses like building blocks, can be used to build some very interesting "buildings"...
Take a look at what this man says:
False Doctrine of Once Saved Always Saved.
Watch how he uses the's very convincing to many.

Some think "Calvinists" do this, too.
Here's something I'd like you to think about objectively...
Why would anyone want to
purposefully tell someone that God is selective in who He saves, that God blinds people to His grace, and that He doesn't love anyone except His children?
Shouldn't people who want to go to Heaven ( and want others to go, as well ) be telling people how
anyone can get there?
With no limitations?
But the Bible tells us that there are few that be saved ( Matthew 7:14 ).
Do you know of any other explanation of the doctrine of salvation that tells people the answer,
in detail,
to that very statement, than what is hated by most and called "Calvinism" ( I'm not talking about "Reformed Theology"...I'm talking about "T.U.L.I.P." )?
Based on the OP's position ( what I see as 5 point "Arminianism" ), those that are saved walk a very fine, narrow path...and it is by their own efforts, front to back.
Based on what I grew up with ( 4 point "Arminianism" / 1 point "Calvinism" / "Traditionalism" ), few are saved, but there is nothing to answer the Scriptures as to
why only some believe...why most who "believe" fall away, and
why Christ will say to them, "I never knew you" ( Matthew 7:21-23 ).
Based on "Calvinism", few are saved and everything gets answered.
However, forget "Calvinism" for a moment;
Scripture itself can answer
all those questions, steaver.
I will never quote anything or anyone outside of that to tell someone why I believe what I believe.