Well, either you are right? And if so, you are most definitely the lone wolf of this story, or you are wrong!
It will not be the first time I stood alone. Of course, I don't get my information from the media. I get it first hand. It is part of my everyday life.
I would think that the majority of those who have reported on this, and the films and the stories we are seeing would tend to show you may have some grape colored kool aid left on the upper portion of your lip!
Yes. If the media says it, it just HAS to be true! After all, you read it on the internet, right?
Look, I live in California, and I see immigrants by the busloads being brought here. If they are being brought here from Texas processing plants, that say you do not know what you are talking about! Sorry, but evidence of seeing is the deciding factor in believing!
Nobody has denied that illegals are being sent to processing/holding locations. The question is, is it more than usual? Notice every time the media references the illegals as OTMs. Other Than Mexican. The actual number of crossings is down. The number of OTMs is up, largely due to war, poverty, and a drought that is threatening starvation in sub Mexican Central America. It is not a vast left wing conspiracy. It is just more of the same, with the people coming from farther away.
Now you and I both know that terrorists are using children to blow things up and lure people to places where they can be ambushed.
Yes, they do. But it has not happened here.
I can't see any half witted terrorist not wanting to come across the Texas border to create mayhem in the US! It is going out on every media network that our borders are porous.
Why come here and blow himself up when he can stay comfortably at home and recruit disgruntled Americans to do his dirty work for him?
Are you disagreeing that terrorists can't come over the border? If you are you must be sniffing (and getting a contact high) the stuff south of the border when it blows northward to your ranch house!
They can, but there is no evidence they have. When doing a threat assessment one of the questions you have to ask is "have they done this before?" Yes, they have done this before. On 9-11-01. How did the terrorists gain entry into the US? Did they sneak across the Mexican border? Uh, no, they entered legally on student visas, then over stayed their visas.
Unfortunately all the media hype and political posturing may well distract us from the real threat. How many middle easterners are already in the US on visas, and how many have overstayed those visas?
And if your only argument is that I am some sort of drug addict your argument is asinine.
I guess you don't want to own up to what seems to be the truth, and like a lot of Americans it will take terrorist attacks on our homeland soil to wake you up from the daze you entered in 2008.
I have not been in a daze. In fact I was working with several federal agencies up until my retirement whose task was to protect American infrastructure from terrorism. I was chief of section for one of those groups. I got regular briefings (classified) regarding such issues.
And why does it "seem" to be the truth? Did you forget it is an election year?
Don't believe everything the media tells you.
Don't believe everything a politician tells you.
Don't believe everything the conspiracy nuts tell you.
Find out for yourself.