Why would a church leader have sodomite friends and be so braggadocious about it? We try to discourage our kids from having the wrong kind of friends, but now here is the "New Billy Graham" bragging about his sodomite friends.
I'll say it before and I'll say it again - what is the difference between a sodomite friend and a gluttonous friend? A friend who is quietly into pornography? A friend who cheated on his taxes? Why is homosexuality a greater scarlett letter than any other sin?
He knows gay people. He is friends with them. One doesn't always mean intimate, close friends when one say friends. Read my earlier post above.
And who says he so "braggadocious" about it? He stated that he spoke to his gay friends. What's the big deal?
Man, next thing you know, he'll be crucified for eating corn pops instead of something healthy!