Here is a good explanation by my buddy Amo, how it became what scripture foretold...
Interesting, and in accordance with the predictions of biblical prophecy.
The first beast of the book of Rev. 13 is the fifth beast of biblical prophecy, the first four beasts being found in the book of Daniel chapter seven. They were 1. The Lion with wings which represented the Babylonian empire. 2. The bear which raised itself up on one side, which represented the Medo-Persian empire. 3. The leopard which had four wings, and four heads, which represented the Grecian empire. 4. The incomparable beast, which had iron teeth and ten horns, which represented the pagan Roman empire.
These prophetic biblical beasts existed during the Old Covenant, the fourth beast ending, or transforming into another beast if you will shortly after the establishment of the New Covenant. Some of the Apostles addressed the beginnings, and some of the particulars of this transformation. The Apostle Paul spoke of the mystery of iniquity which had already begun in his day, and the man of sin, both of which are part of the fifth beast of biblical prophecy established during the New Covenant, and more thoroughly addressed in the book of Revelation.
This fifth beast of biblical prophecy, the first beast of the book of Rev. 13, was the holy Roman empire of the middle, or more rightly phrased, dark ages. The Papacy was the little horn which grew out of one of the ten horns of the fourth beast, who plucked up three of the other horns, had the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking great things (Dan 7:8). Not long after the establishment of the New Covenant, Christianity converted and conquered pagan Rome and it’s Emperor. By this time however, the mystery of iniquity had already greatly influenced the Church. The rulers of Rome half heartedly accepting Christianity for the sake of greater control of their empire, only accelerated the rate of this apostasy.
The result was the establishment of the little horn power spoken of in Daniel which, when it reached maturity became the first biblical beast of the New Covenant era. It was Papal Rome, a half Christian half pagan entity which ruled over the kings of Europe and persecuted and killed all that opposed her, including God’s true people for 1260 years. This is the first beast of the book of Rev 13. The following statement by William Durant sums it up well.
When Christianity conquered Rome the ecclesiastical structure of the pagan church, the title and vestments of the pontifex maximus, the worship of the Great Mother and a multitude of comforting divinities, the sense of supersensible presences everywhere, the joy or solemnity of old festivals, and the pageantry of immemorial ceremony, passed like maternal blood into the new religion, and captive Rome captured her conqueror. The reins and skill of government were handed down by a dying empire to a virile papacy; the lost power of the broken sword was rewon by the magic of the consoling word; the armies of the state were replaced by the missionaries of the Church moving in all directions along the Roman roads; and the revolted provinces, accepting Christianity, again acknowledged the sovereignty of Rome. Through the long struggles of the Age of Faith the authority of the ancient capital persisted and grew, until in the Renaissance the classic culture seemed to rise from the grave, and the immortal city became once more the center of summit of the world's life and wealth and art. When, in 1936, Rome celebrated the 2689th anniversary of her foundation, she could look back upon the most impressive continuity of government and civilization in the history of mankind. May she rise again.(CAESAR AND CHRIST, A history of Roman Civilization and of Christianity from their beginnings to A.D.325. By Will Durant-1944)
This persecuting religio-political power received a deadly wound in 1798 when the Pope was torn from his throne and put in exile until his death. At this time also, many new systems of government were being put in place, that would no longer allow a religion to politically dominate a country. The government of these United States not being at all among the least of them. However, this country, and world, will turn back time, and make an image to this first beast of Rev. 13. As Rev 13:14 points out, they will do this in the sight, or under the supervision if you will, of the first beast whose deadly wound is healed.
The image to the beast will be a restoration of the form of government which the first beast implemented, that is a religio-political persecuting governmental power. It will be the reestablishment of the authority and dominance of the Papacy on a world wide scale. The United States is that lamb like beast, the second beast of Rev 13 and sixth beast of biblical prophecy which will be transformed into a dragon like beast by making an image to the first beast of Rev 13 under it’s direct supervision. Thus resurrecting the Holy Roman empire on a world wide scale.
This resurrected Holy Roman empire on a worldwide scale will be the seventh and final beast of biblical prophecy. This is the beast of Rev 13 that received a deadly wound that was healed, the beast of Rev 17 that was, is not, and yet is, and the beast of Rev 17 that is even an eighth, but is one of the seven. There is no literal eighth beast, but rather the number eight is the number of the resurrection, and therefore symbolic of the resurrection of the Holy Roman empire as the seventh beast. Thus this final beast is even an eighth by way of a seeming resurrection, but is really one of the seven by way of reestablishment with the help of the sixth beast, the United States of America.
This process is taking place in our country right now through the inundation of our federal government with Roman Catholic politicians who are carrying out the will of Rome, against the will of the people of United States of America. Thus more people feel totally unrepresented by their supposed representative government now, than ever before. This is of course, because they are not being represented, Rome is. Our government is seizing more and more power over us every single day, by the influence of the vast number of Roman Catholic politicians within the same, under the direction of the Vatican. A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand. The old US is on it’s way out. The new US ridden by Rome is on the way in. The rest of the world will follow suite, the predictions of Rev 13 will be fulfilled, and then the end will come.
Nevertheless, God’s message will go forward during the same, with great power and light. The gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world, and then the end will come. As the final beast power of biblical prophecy grows in power and influence, the difference between God’s kingdom and Satan’s kingdom will become all the more glaring. All will make their choice which one they want to be a part of, and then the end will come. It is for this reason alone, that God will allow strong delusion to come upon the world, and the mark of the beast to be forced upon all, that all decisions might be made before Christ returns the second time to put an end to all rule save His own. Then He will submit to the Father, that God might once again be acknowledged by all, as all in all. The question of sin and rebellion will be forever ended.