Look, I watched the debates, and there were times that I felt Fox News, especially Kelly, was there to bring Trump back down to earth, so to speak!
And if that was their hidden agenda, they did accomplish it, but to what ends? This debate may have looked bad for Trump, but if he s wise, he should replay the tape, listen to how he responded, and learn. The questions Kelly and others asked him, are only the beginning of what he will hear in the days to come.
Still, I need to ask, was Trump, in your eyes, picked on, or were the questions and moderators fair across the board?
And if that was their hidden agenda, they did accomplish it, but to what ends? This debate may have looked bad for Trump, but if he s wise, he should replay the tape, listen to how he responded, and learn. The questions Kelly and others asked him, are only the beginning of what he will hear in the days to come.
Still, I need to ask, was Trump, in your eyes, picked on, or were the questions and moderators fair across the board?