Your question does not even make logical sense dude, did the “Adam” (humanity) before the fall need representation before he even sinned and was sent back to ground that he came from? Did that Adam need to now put forth his hand and take from the tree of life? Jesus came to save those who were lost, to provide the way, was pre-fallen Adam lost? Your question dodges the subject and is merely an attempt to avoid defining the true human nature of Jesus Christ, as well as a blatant fallacious effort to avoid all the evidence I have given to support the orthodox and scriptural definitions to support that true nature Christ came in, and is indeed a doubly fallacious effort to produce a rabbit trail tactic while trying to reason toward a conclusion that amounts to a heretical view of Jesus Christ nature being a mere illusion of true humanity and sadly discounts the work of Christ to overcome sin in that nature.
I‘ve asked you to refute my (and the orthodox/scriptural) definition of humanity or define yours according to the baseless and unsupported conclusion you need to create about the nature of Christ to be pre-fallen “Adam” (humanity) in order to protect your systematic theology presuppositions, but your only focus is to desperately try to fabricate and come up with a definition of “Adam” that was before even the need of redemption.
Jesus was before Adam (humanity) period. He came through the Holy Spirit in real time in the flesh and blood form of true humanity that needed redemption as the seed of Abraham to fulfill the promise in faith. In faith and perfect obedience to the Father He overcame the death of Adam (humanity) in the true human nature but your conclusion would have Him in a meaningless quest to save some pre-fallen Adam with a nature that had not yet died and was rather now subject to a nature with acquired attributes that could not avoid but to sin and remain lost.
It seems merely another illusion you carry is that you have some kind of gotcha question above…
You have more problems than I can count with your efforts. To start with…
…nevermind, if you ain’t got the point yet there is no sense in spending my time repeating myself, I'm going to go wash my Jeep.