It was wrong on several counts. But first I want to ask anyone here to give me a verse or passage that would show such a drastic action was right. Try to keep it in the New Testament,surely a clearer revelation of the heart of God on moral and spiritual matters.
Here is how it is wrong:
1. “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself."
Are the Japanese our neighbors?
There are many other verses that could be brought up but this passage is foremost.
2. The Japanese were at the point of surrender. In fact months before they had shown willingness to surrender to terms that were basically identical to the terms the US later accepted. But the US refused the earlier offer.
Was Hiroshima Necessary?
The War Was Won Before Hiroshima—And the Generals Who Dropped the Bomb Knew It
3. It is purely propaganda that the Japanese would "fight to the last man". It is a way for America - and Americans - to not feel the weight of the horrible atrocity they committed - and continue to justify. We rightly fault the Japanese for not acknowledging their criminal actions in the past, like their enslavement of enemy women for their own uses, but refuse to acknowledge our own misdeeds.
BTW, a visit to Hiroshima two years ago was very enlightening. Did you know that ground zero in Hiroshima was not near any major military target but was a high-density population area, including several schools? The nearest base, which we also visited was on a hillside a mile or so to the north (if memory serves). The second link above goes into more detail about the US rationale in targeting. It was not military.
We had this new invention and our military leadership were itching to use it in a "real life situation".
It is sad that Christians - of all people - go along with our country's propaganda in continuing to justify this most unChristian mass killing. A killing that has extended for decades and two or three generations in its outworking.
Or do we not believe that our government is capable of propaganda?
Number 1 is a misapplication of scripture. If someone comes into your house to rob and murder your family are you going to love them.
Number 2 is just flat out not true.