Revmitchell said:
Just who is it that opposes drilling anywhere?
Just who is it that opposes creating more refineries?
Just who is it that opposes nuke plants?
The big oil companies oppose drilling: I posted once how the Rockefellar's in the 19th century gained much control of the oil by undermining the competition..... but no one wants to read.
(I'm not directing this personally at you, Rev, 'cause methinks you already have some answers.... but people who don't will read the questions and then go on complaining OR buying the lies which they've been sold, instead of taking responsibility to be informed.)
I posted how the funding for what are regarded as the most highly acclaimed of the environmental research groups, which function as resource authorities for the politically active environmental groups....... were funded by the wealth of the Rockefellers, Henry Ford etc: Fund research, agendize and direct the science and the scientist who's well paid positions and prestige is requires they give 'authority' to representative data which they purposely design to skew and agree with corporate agenda, fund the publishing of 'scientific journals' which censor all disputing articles except for the mildest or lame opposition to make a token appearance of being broad minded.....It doesn't take much imagination to understand how this structure can actually work (through populace opinion, activist groups and legislation) to control the availability of oil and to selectively limit the challenges from competition of smaller industry and financial groups to break the control of the big oil cartel.
The oil giants have used their leverage of influence and monies and associated businesses and industry to lobby in prohibitive regulations and controls to create obstacles to competition: all the while, they and their lawyering are sheilded from the very transparancy of law and its demands by which they 'oppress' their competitors.
We have all the oil we need. IT IS A LIE THAT THERE EXISTS AN OIL SHORTAGE! Anyone who has enough money, and can get the permits to build and install storage tanks of significant quantity, can purchase enough gasoline or oil to fill it/them, providing he is willing to pay the market price. Sure, one may see a particular grade of fuel.... or a station with its pumps closed, due to delays in transportation or distribution or failure to order...... but, if there was an oil shortage.... we would see rationing...not merely closed pumps or long lines for 'cheap' gas. .......It is possible that this next step....... controlling the access as in the 70's, or rationing, may happen...... but, good people, it will be a ruse; it will be a lie perpetuated on you by those in control to make you fearful that there is a shortage.
God has provided everything we need and more than we could ask for on this earth. We just don't believe Him! If we did, we wouldn't sell out so quickly to the lies of oil shortage, population control, CO2 gases. He who owns the cattle on a thousand hills..... is not believed by mankind, that He has provided for us everything we could ever need in abundance. I hope to post on this board, notes taken from interesting remarks I heard on a jewish program recently (not pertaining to the subject of oil). The figures, if true, are astonishing.
As for Jimmy Carter? He should have remained a peanut farmer.... and a promoter of Habitat for Humanity. He and his consorts completed the undermining of the Shaw of Iran. He foolishlly promoted (by failure to support the Shaw) a government ruled there by a 'religious man'. Like our own current President..... (and Billy Graham, and others who accept the 'brotherhood' of monotheism without considering the sigularity of salvation through Jesus, who, himself declared, "
I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." ) poor Jimmy, ignorantly and by omission, heralded in the religious ruler of Iran, and thought he could used diplomacy with the Aatollayh (sp?) but got bit in the butt when American hostages were taken. His attitude towards Israel and the Palestinians stinks!..... That is my sensory perception each his own regarding the facts.