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The choice for sin in Adam is the mechanism that separated Adam from light/life/righteousness and thus a fall from light/life/righteousness into darkness/death/unrighteousness. None of this by design but the natural consequence due to separation from the source of light/life/righteousness.
God supernaturally barred Adam from access to the tree of life in Gen 3.
God supernaturally creates the Rev 20 lake of fire "punishment" -
God supernaturally creates the Rev 20 second resurrection -- that of the wicked.
God supernaturally places enmity between the seed of the woman and the seed of man.
In Col 1 - God supernaturally sustains all life - that means Lucifer as well as you and me.
Total inability consists in whether fallen man who has fallen into darkeness/death/unrighteousness can restore himself by a reversal of will to light/life/righteousness.
It is an academic concept not found in real life - because fallen man "does not exist in the total absence of God". Rather mankind exists IN the context of God and His Gospel reach toward man.
Thus the Calvinist idea of "total inability" is never seen in some God-vacuum chamber. We see it only in the context of God reaching and even sustaining fallen humanity.
in Christ,