I've seen a bunch of dancing around in this thread, but only one or two responders that are even headed in the right direction concerning the Law, fulfilled on our behalf.
In fact, the utter and absolute totality of God's Law must be fulfilled for any of us to gain our place as His adopted and justified sons. That we cannot fulfill the Law, no matter how hard we try, or how hard we work, is cause for much grief and consternation on our part, as we are literally damned and doomed for our shortcomings in this regard, not to mention the basic issue of our sin and rebellion.
The Law was, however, fulfilled completely, both actively and passively, by Jesus Christ. Praise God, when we are effectually called by God, adopted, justified, regenerated, have faith and repentance, work out our sanctification by the power of the Holy Spirit, persevere, and are ultimately glorified, the perfect righteousness in the Law, kept by Jesus Christ, is imputed to us, thus we stand before God's throne at judgment and suffer no condemnation. Our "advocate" has kept for us, and satisfied the demands made of us, on our behalf, something that we cannot "choose," "work out," or otherwise gain on our own accord.
That the Law still exists as something we look to is explained by Paul, i.e., it is our "schoolmaster" to teach us the mind and will of Almighty God, and to also point out for us the utter futility of our every trying to gain God's eternity by our own keeping of the Law. We do not "disregard" the Law, we do not live or die by the Law, but the Law directs us as to a life pleasing to God, always in force and never set aside by the grace that we inherit!