Wouldn't their "memory" though have been guided by the Holy Spirit, and per jesus, they would have divine inspiration from God , so that the passages/verses quoted and written down by them would have had the Spirit interpretation of how the OT applied to fulfillment in the nt?
How did Jesus guide the memory of writers who were authoring text twenty plus years after His ascension? I think you've got some serious issues with your understanding of inspiration here.
Inspiration and illumination are important doctrines, and even more important to carefully define. Verbal dictation isn't a sound, imho, theory of inspiration because it can't account for the variety in the Scriptural text. While the Holy Spirit conditioned the authors it did not force the authors nor did it dictate to the authors.
JesusFan said:The Apsotles were given "lee way" to see and read jesus in the OT passages that was not the immediate connection at time of the prophet speaking/writting?
Ah, now you've hit an interesting subject! So what do our charitable contributors think of the ole sensus plenoir vs. sensus literalis debate?
Actually, JesusFan (or whatever it is these days), you've touched on a significant issue in the theology of interpretation of these passages. There are typologies at play as well as various intertextual features which are dictating how the NT writers are coming to use an OT text. It pretty intriguing so let's see how it plays out with our venerable collaborators.