because to have the bible forced to accomodate to 'scientific facts: that are just assumptions, not proven, is to lead to a doubting and denial in some way of the bible!
The Scriptures state "...he who comes to God must believe that He is..."
I don't see how "forcing" one way or another is going to be the determining factor.
What I do see, is the distractions of such issues being discussed/debated with the unredeemed as being unprofitable.
Among students of theology, then the open discussion of creation and the fine points given in the original language of the Scriptures is most certainly profitable, and good. Doesn't mean that separation has to take place, but understanding of various theological aspects and emphasis is healthy.
"Accommodating scientific facts" do not lessen the Scriptures, nor the authority of the Scriptures. God's power is not weakened and the arm of the Lord shortened when science and Biblical principle conflict. There are still four "corners" of the earth no matter where geographically one places the mark on this round ball - even if it is dead center on the north or south pole.
I suppose that I am concerned that the enemy of the believer desires to discredit love. Too often in the teaching of Creation, the wonder and purpose of creation is lost because someone wants to refute some scientific view, when God should be presented as so loving that He gave - the world, the stars, the sustenance, and even His own Son.
Here is a point to remember in all such discussions.
The Scriptures do not state when God created the ground nor the water that covered the ground. The genesis account doesn't place them in the time line other than they were already present and that God caused the water to have a limit so land could emerge.
There is plenty of room for "young earth" thinking as well as others without division and without separation of believers that the enemy so desires; the desire that the believers become so inflamed so distracted from the Glory and authority of God in all matters that love is marred.