I was hoping people would look it up and find out. Silly me. As to the concept, it is a very little, teeny-tiny bit of time. It is the smallest meaningful amount of time calculable and - as far as science can tell - the smallest 'bit' of time possible.
Agedman, I have to agree with you about public debates on cosmology. Normally the Creationist cites the Bible and very little science (and is embarrassingly ignorant of the science involved) while the scientist speaks about science and very little about the Bible (usually not really understanding the Biblical passage). Which ends up with both sides 'talking past' each other - sort of like arguing whether wall paper should be purple or heat insulative.
Pointless except to drum up attention and possible contributions. (Maybe that's why they do?)
And I still agree with Yesh's comment: The Bible means now what it always has meant. Which does not mean humanity has always understood everything correctly.
If anyone during the Earthly life of Jesus should have known who He was, it was the Pharisees. As a group, they studied the scriptures and prophesies more than any others. They memorized long passages, devoted hours to discussion and simply were the most educated Jewish scholars of the time. AND they believed in the 'afterlife'. They were expecting the Messiah, they looked for the Messiah.
And they missed it totally. (At least as a group.) Which is a cautionary tale about many things; all related to 'what the Bible says' as determined by Mom, Dad, Pastor So-and-So or the Reverend Doctor What'sisname. Tradition is what caused the Pharisees to not recognize the Messiah.
jesus said that Adam and Ever were created, not evolved, at the beginning of creation, was he wrong?
Do you see jesus as being wrong, as his science and tech was really poor compared to modern science/tech then?