Thanks for taking the time to post your thoughts above, I took the time to really read what you said and do some soul-searching. The picky part of me has to jump out and correct some numbers that you used, no offense.

I think your numbers you list for baby-boomers and busters is woefully low, according to the US Census bureau, there's around 60 million Busters and 71 million Boomers. The point is really moot, but I just thought I'd throw it out there anyway.
I truly FEEL what you're saying... I really do, and sometimes am drawn into the humanist thinking that maybe we really should be more understanding, more accepting of other's views of what is right and wrong, of what is moral and what is not. I also feel it would be so much easier in this life to be an athiest and lean on my prideful thinking that I, along with the rest of humanity, can figure out what is best for us.
I would be an awesome democrat I think as I look at the ideas about abortion, a woman's right to choose (pro-choice), federal healthcare and I see the sense in them from a purely human stand. It is so natural for me to WANT to join some socialist society where we all work for the betterment of humanity as a whole. It would be so simple for me to believe that we, as man, can come up with answers to our epic plight if I didn't believe in the Lord. If I could put Him aside, I could embrace the idea of Spaceship Earth, of evolution, of man's own greatness.
Alas I cannot embrace my own god-hood as I hold the Lord above all else, resting in the assurance that He is ALL that matters. I put my trust in Him and know that through His Son, Jesus Christ, my sins are forgiven and I am assured of an eternal salvation that I cannot gain by my own works.
As I accepted the fact that it was going to take you time to put together your post, I would ask you to show patience with me too. I am currently at work and my schedule over the next 5 days is quite hectic. I will be praying about this thread and putting together a post to show you why I cannot accept a lot of the humanist thinking in the democratic agenda and also why I am pondering an exodus to the Constitution Party, leaving the GOP in the dust, though I've not decided yet.
I'll likely be able to post this on Sunday or Monday. Until then, the rest of you be nice to Alatide in this thread instead of jumping on him for the slightest thing.
In Christ,