Mr. Christie, as commander in chief what would you do to eliminate the Sunni extremists Saudi Arabia and the US government has been funding and arming since the 1980's?
Christie, I'd start world war 3 with Russia!
Mr. Bush, what would you do with the family of the San Bernadino shooters?
Jeb!, I would put them on a plane and safely fly them out of the country before the FBI could question them like my brother did with Osama Bin Laden's family after 9/11.
Mr. Paul, you said we're broke so you would cut military spending . . . how would do that and still carry on the fight against the Sunni extremists Saudi Arabia and the US government has been funding and arming since the 1980's?
Rand, well first of all I would stop funding and arming the Sunni extremists. That alone would save us billions of dollars.
Mr. Kaish, why are you still in the race?
Kaish, to remind you that as governor I created some jobs and I'd keep you safe.
Mr. Rubio, how would you fight the Sunni extremists Saudi Arabia and the US government has been funding and arming since the 1980's?
Marco, I'd work closely with the democrats to make sure they could come to this country and be treated with respect.
Mr. Trump how would you stop Sunni extremists from using the internet to recruit more Sunni extremists?
Donald, I would get the best minds on the planet to build a wall on the internet.
Rand Paul, wouldn't that violate the first amendment?
Republican candidates in unison . . . . the first amendment? That's stupid! We have to stop the Sunni extremists Saudi Arabia and the US government has been funding and arming since the 1980's by overthrowing the Assad regime and shooting down Russian planes to keep us safe!
Ms. Fiorina, how would you deal with the Sunni extremists Saudi Arabia and the US government has been funding and arming since the 1980's?
Carly, I wouldn't talk to Putin on an i phone or send him email on a I pad.
Mr. Bush, can you explain how overthrowing the Assad regime and letting the Sunni extremists Saudi Arabia and the US government have been funding and arming since the 1980's take over the country is going to eliminate "ISIS"?
Jeb!, Sure, it's simple. Assad = evil and "ISIS" = evil and Iran = evil and Russia = evil but the USA/Saudi Sunni coalition = global force for good.
In case you missed the infowars play by play commentary last night you can watch it here . . .
INFOWARS Nightly News "LIVE" CNN GOP Debate Coverage 12/15/2015 (PART ONE)
INFOWARS Nightly News "LIVE" CNN GOP Debate Coverage 12/15/2015 (PART TWO)