So, your "facts" speak for themselves, but the very words of Jesus do not? "This generation" clearly meant the generation that Jesus was speaking to. No getting around that fact. If you are interested, Gary DeMar has a great article regarding "this generation" at this link -
How Should 'This Generation' be Understood? - The American Vision. DeMar includes a list of quotes from other commentators at the end of the article.
Jack Lewis said something most interesting. "Christ’s use of the words ‘immediately after’ [in Matthew 24:30] does not leave room for a long delay (2,000 years or more before His literal second coming occurs), neither does the explicit time-scale given in Matthew 24:34. The word ‘parousia’ does not occur in this section but is prominently reintroduced in the new paragraph which begins at Matthew 24:36, where its unknown time is contrasted with the clear statement that the events of this paragraph will take place within ‘this generation” (Matthew 24:36). This section is therefore in direct continuity with what has gone before, the account of the siege of Jerusalem. Here we reach its climax.” “The language is drawn from Daniel 7:13–14, which points to the vindication and enthronement of Jesus (rather than his second coming [‘parousia’]). In this context, therefore, this poetic language appropriately refers to the great changes which were about to take place in the world, when Jerusalem and its temple were destroyed. It speaks of the ‘Son of Man’ entering into His kingship, and ‘His angels’ gathering in His new people from all the earth. The fall of the temple is thus presented, in highly allusive language, as the end of the old order, to be replaced by the new regime of Jesus, the Son of Man, and the international growth of his church, the new people of God."
Whether you accept it or not, there is no getting around the fact that Jesus and the NT writers clearly said those things would happen "soon" after they were said. 2.000 years is not "soon". The only interpretation that fits what they said is the destruction of Jerusalem.