I did not say that. I said if we went with the "logic" that the order of events is:
1) AoD.
2) The GT.
3) The Second Coming.
4) 1948 the blooming of the fig tree.
Jesus declared the end in verse 14:
"And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come."
If any one thinks the gospel stopped going out to the whole world at 70AD, then all missions and evangelism since 70AD is not the Gospel, but human philosophy.
Tribulation will stop at the end. Tribulation did not stop in 70AD.
Believers being martyred will stop at the end. Martyrdom did not stop in 70AD.
Unbelief will stop at the end. Unbelief did not stop in 70AD.
Deception will be removed at the end. Deception did not stop in 70AD.
In Revelation the FP and beast were cast into the Lake of Fire. There was no Lake of Fire in 70AD. There was only sheol. Sheol and Death will be cast into the LOF 1,000 years after the FP and the beast. Neither event has happened yet. People still only go to sheol. No one has seen Death, yet. No one has seen the Lake of Fire, yet.
Death is for them who have been removed from the Lamb's book of life. Sheol is still for those in the Lamb's book of life. They will not be removed until the GWT. The GWT has not happened yet. At the Second Coming there is still the 7th Seal remaining. Christ the Prince has the Lamb's book of life with Him. Once the 7th Seal is removed, names will start being removed. In Matthew 25:31-32 we see Jesus separating the sheep from the goats. The goats are removed from the Lamb's book of life and placed in Death. From that point on all those who reject or rebel under the iron rod rule will immediately have their name removed from the Lamb's book of life and placed in Death.
That is why at the GWT both sheol and Death are separated and both are emptied and cast into the Lake of Fire. Jesus did not arrive with the Lamb's book of life and start removing names on His throne in Jerusalem in 70AD.
Then from Daniel 9:24. That list was not enacted in 70AD. It cannot be enacted until the 7th Trumpet sounds and stops sounding.
That is found in Revelation 10:5-7
"And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven, And sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer: But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets."
Time is up for Daniel's 70 weeks. All prophecy will be fulfilled. That did not happen in 70AD.
The only thing that happened in 70AD is the cursed fig tree. Jerusalem and the Temple was left with no stone unturned. There more than likely were a few people still alive who heard Jesus in 30AD. Paul was not alive. Peter was not alive. Many had already lived longer than the 35 year life expectancy of the first century to get to 60AD. 70AD was 40 years after the Cross. Preterist really give those living in the first century more life expectancy than is even normal. For comparison God gave Israel 40 years in the desert to literally kill off that generation and the next. Jesus was allowing grace to state some would still be alive in 70AD. So it has little to do with "soon" or "that generation". It was the grace of God allowing some to live longer than normal. What was at had was the death of a way of life, and Israel ceased being a nation until 1948. The gap was the restoration of Israel. Why has Israel not been given that status hundreds of years ago? Or 1,000 years ago?
The final "end" is Adam's 6,000 years of punishment in sin and death by sin. That 6,000 years did not end in 70AD. Adam's number is 6 thousand years, 6 days a week, 6 hours a day. The beast is the image of the FP which represents that Satan wants humanity to remain lost after that number has expired. God says, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Satan says, "Keep on keeping on in your own fallen state."
Also Satan is bound for 1000 years. That did not happen in 70AD.