1, Did I ignore Luke 12:51 or directly address it? I directly addressed it. Here again is what I said:
As for the Luke passage (Luke 12:51-53) Jesus is teaching His disciples (Jews) and indicating His gospel will divide them, some holding to the Old Covenant, and some accepting the New Covenant. So yet again, the passage indicates God offers salvation to all, including non-Jews, and some of the Jews will be unwilling to accept the Gentiles.
2. And Van used the NASB direct quote, salvation is FROM the Jews. On this point I have now been misrepresented twice.
3. Your claim is racist and unbiblical. You seem to have ignored Galatians 3.
4. I am not "mixing" the lost with the saved, two very different groups. Christ laid down His life as a ransom for all, the whole world, which includes those to be saved and those never to be saved.
I have shown scripture refutes your every claim. Your charges are false and without biblical basis.
Yes you ignored (Luke 12:51). "Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division"
Jesus was not just speaking of His disciples. My claim is racist and Biblical. Division is of God and Christ.
The whole world is not saved. It consists of believers and non-believers.