Well Paul...nothing personal, but if you or any other "Enumerator" (is that DC lingo for "spy?
) come to my place...you'll be treated politely; I might even offer a bottled water. But the answers you will get are the ones I've already given. And I'll probably record the conversation. Like I said...I'll be pleasant, but you'll get what you have the constitutional right to have: A count.
You will find out who lives here...how many adults, and how many kids.
THere were a couple of other census questions I chose to answer...you can ask
them again...and I'll answer them, again.
But...you will
not receive an answer as to our race. Sorry...but it's none of the government's business...not to mention since they use that info to buy votes, I'll pass.
One of the reasons I'll record the encounter has to do with the last census: A dear friend of mine refused to answer the race question. The census worker that visited them became irate when he wouldn't answer it. She finally told him something along the lines of, "Well, you look, sound, and act white to me, so that's what I'm putting."
Besides being illegal and unethical...can you imagine had that encounter involved any other race? My friend would have had to hire census workers just to count all his damages he'd receive!