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Weight Issues

Discussion in 'Pastoral Ministries' started by SaggyWoman, Jul 10, 2004.

  1. SaggyWoman

    SaggyWoman Active Member

    Dec 15, 2000
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    Are you overweight?

    What are you doing to lose weight?
  2. Jeff Weaver

    Jeff Weaver New Member

    Oct 10, 2001
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    Used to be at 6'2", 310#
    Now, 6'2", 215#.

  3. SaggyWoman

    SaggyWoman Active Member

    Dec 15, 2000
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    Zowie! Good for you. How long did it take to lose that?
  4. JustAsIAm

    JustAsIAm New Member

    Dec 29, 2003
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    Are you related to a Jonathan Weaver who is a pastor in Hyde Park, NY? I lived there years ago and attended that church. You sound alot like him!! (that's a compliment!)
  5. Jeff Weaver

    Jeff Weaver New Member

    Oct 10, 2001
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    Lost just over 100 pounds in 6 months, put a few back on since. Once it started coming off, felt more like exercise, so even more came off.

    If you are struggling with weight, as a lot folks are, don't automatically assume it is lack of willpower or diet. Lots of disease processes can make one overweight, diabetes, thyroid, arthritis, heart disease, etc. Problem is when one starts a disease process, they fail to adjust their diet, and quickly pack on a few/lot of pounds. I am guilty of that. But after I found out why I felt bad, (diabetes/lupus for me), and learned how to deal with it, then got the weight off.

    Don't think so, on the Jonathan Weaver. My folks are all Virginia/Carolina/Oregon people.
  6. Bro. James Reed

    Bro. James Reed New Member

    Sep 18, 2002
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    I'm 6'4" and in mid-June I was up to 390 lbs!!!

    I had a fall and hurt my back while at a singing school that week and it's been hurting ever since, though lately the pain has dwindled quite a bit allowing me to do more walking to help with the weightloss.

    I am now down to about 375 and trying to lose a whole lot more. Pray for me...it's a struggle.

    My mother is going to have an angioplasty (sp?) done next week for her heart. She is overweight as well. She is going on a more strict diet too, so at least I'm not alone in trying to drop the weight now.

    If you think about it, say a little prayer for her. The procedure is next Thursday at 7:30am.

    Glad to hear about your success Bro. Jeff. At one time several years ago I had dropped around 100 lbs. I sure felt a lot better. Of course, then my home flooded during the "Great Houston Flood of 2001" and I was put on anti-deppresants and ever since I have just ballooned. Being flooded again in 2002 didn't help matters any either. The new house is built about 6 feet up from the road bed, so I don't anticipate flooding anytime in the next few decades.
  7. Jeff Weaver

    Jeff Weaver New Member

    Oct 10, 2001
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    Bro. James

    That is entirely too much, of course you know it already. Might want to consider some medical screening if you can, sounds like there might be some underlying cause. For me, it was pain, didn't feel like moving with the lupus, and the drugs to treat lupus gave me diabetes. But the insulin started the weight down, and then changed pain killers, so felt like moving, more moving, more weight loss.

    Some weight issues are herditary as well. Mom had two brothers, one was 6'7", the other 6'9" and both were in the 400 pound range. My brother is 6'2" and is about 340#, entirely too much for his heart.
  8. TaterTot

    TaterTot Guest

    I have lost right at 70 pounds since January 2nd. I am so tired of being overweight and finally decided to put action to my gripe. I feel sooooo much better. I feel like I am much more in control of my life. Still have a little more to go, but its worth it!!
    I am just cutting out starchy things and sugar.
  9. SaggyWoman

    SaggyWoman Active Member

    Dec 15, 2000
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    I cut out colas (for the most part first.) Now I am trying to modify how much I eat. And when I eat.

    Next step is the exercise.
  10. MsGuidedAngel

    MsGuidedAngel Member
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    Mar 13, 2004
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    Yes I am over weight at 170lbs Waaaa [​IMG] I am only 5'6" tall to.

    I am Not doing much about it, I am severly disabled and cannot exercise at all..

    I also suffer from this below;

    Not many people know that I also suffer from Bulimia / Anorexia Nervosa. I have had this for many years. It's Very hard to get over this too.

    Here's a web site for more information;

    Center for Change

    I don't do this everyday, though I think about sometimes and sometimes I don't, it just happend's.

    I am mess emotionally from not having any income for over a year now, I am Very upset at the Social Security Administration for not helping put my Disability Claim go through..

    I had to take a Vicodin today, I had forgot to eat something before hand, I got a tad sick, and very nauseous. Pain is Not relative, I live with it all of my life. I just wonder sometimes why I have had to suffer so much pain since my birth in 1960, it don't seem fair sometimes..

    Christian's are Not Perfect, Just Forgiven!


  11. TaterTot

    TaterTot Guest

    Saggy, have you lost any yet?

    We just got home from vacation, and boy was it hard not to cheat. Now that I am home, I am sooo glad I didnt give in.

    Best wishes!
  12. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    I am 6'6" and now 295. This is the most I've weighed ever, much of the increase (normally 250) due to immobility because of my disease.

    Doctor (my wife) wants me down to 235 and after this conference week upcoming, think we will hit hard the diet/exercise program.
  13. Pete

    Pete New Member

    Aug 31, 2002
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    ...so the Doc tells me...(6', 344 lb)

    Nothing...(only time I have ever lost weight is when sick (a stone a week, which quickly comes back on....), or when I was driving 80+hrs a week in taxi and eating on Sundays...
  14. Su Wei

    Su Wei Active Member
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    Feb 13, 2003
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    having been pregnant three times, my weight has dingdonged up and down these five years. I'm the kind that really balloons during pregnancy... [​IMG]

    heaviest i've been (just before giving birth) was 194lbs. Now i'm back to 145lbs. Phew. I can say it's so great to have lost that load. It's no fun being heavy. :(

    (btw, i'm 5'7")

    I had to go to a conversion site to find out what lbs was in kilograms.... :D Now i have a better idea what everyone's talking about!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

    Well, what do you guys think are the major contributing factors to your weight problems, er...challenges? [​IMG]

    It's kind of curious coz walking on the street here in Singapore, it's not very often you pass someone who is, say, 300lbs. (But there are. Just not very many.)
    My present weight is pretty average of everyone i know. Yah. like no one in my church is more than 220lbs. Seriously. even the men. but maybe we're also not as tall... our men average 5'11. (you people are giants!!! :eek: )

    So, what do you think is the reason for the difference? (I hope i don't sound like i'm trying to put anyone down. Just do want to know why there is that difference.)

    perhaps, how many meals a day do Americans typically eat?
    What is typically the most perfered cooking "style", eg. steaming, deep frying?
  15. Thankful

    Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    Su Wei, There are many, many reasons that Americans, for the most part are overweight, but the main one, I think, is abundance of food, fast food, and we always seem to socialize with food. There are always snacks for every occasion. We have breakfast goodies even at church.

    Also, until a few years ago, we probably fried most of our foods.

    We are trying to eat healthier, but it may be too late for some.

    Do I have a weight problem? I didn't have one until my first pregnancy. Since that time I have had to watch my weight (go up and down) [​IMG] Currently, I am about 11 pounds overweight.

    Let me tell you that it is more and more difficult to lose weight as one gets older. Probably due to lack of exercise.

    Maintaining a proper weight seems to be a constant battle for some people.
  16. Hardsheller

    Hardsheller Active Member
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    Jun 21, 2002
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    My sister just got back from Europe and said that the Europeans eat more than we do but aren't as overweight as we Americans.

    I wonder what's the difference?

    The answer to that might be the answer a lot of us are looking for.

    BTW - I've been on South Beach Diet since May 25 and have lost 21 pounds. I'm 6'1" and now weigh 207 - still want to get down in the 180's at least.
  17. TaterTot

    TaterTot Guest

    Well, we have an girl from Spain staying with us, and having been there before as well, I can say that not only the food is prepared differently (no fired stuff, lots of veggies, Olive oil) AND they WALK almost everywhere they go. When we were there, we ate everything we could - including afternoon pastries and a light meal at around 10pm, and we lost weight. The girl staying with us has actually gained since she has been here
    (2 &1/2 weeks). She doesnt like "American" food and stays with pizza, pasta, and muffins pretty much. Besides, we drive everywhere we go and she has been surprised at all the drive thru opportunities we have that they dont - bank, pharmacy, food, etc. They eat a light non-greasy breakfast, a big lunch and a light dinner. Most people around here eat a decent breakfast, and a fairly large lunch and a big dinner. Then we go to sleep!!
    The largest I got was 247 and that was after having my two babies very close together. I actually lost while pregnant, but gained afterward with both. Now I am 178 and feel sooo much better. Still got some to go, but I'll get there.

    SUE WEI - Where did you find the kilo/pound conversion?

    Yall keep it up!
  18. Su Wei

    Su Wei Active Member
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    Feb 13, 2003
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    hi tatertot! it's here: http://www.convert-me.com/en/convert/weight

    I know what you mean by eating a big dinner and then going to sleep. I did that almost nightly the first year i was at uni and i gained quite abit. second year i moved home and stopped midnight mini meals and the weight went straight back down to normal without any special diet or exercise....
    So sleeping on a full stomach is no good...
  19. Su Wei

    Su Wei Active Member
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    Feb 13, 2003
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    we also have an abundance of food (thank God for His provision), and no social occasion seems complete without food either. :D Food is very important in our culture!

    Leesee, what do i eat:
    I eat fast food (McD's and just yesterday Burger King) about three meals a week. That's the only time i (and my kids) eat deep fried stuff ie, fries.

    The rest of the time it's mainly rice and stir fried veges, meat dish, soup. (chinese cooking). We don't use cream in chinese cooking, so that may be a difference too.
    I do do pasta occasionally and on special occasions, i roast chicken and potatoes.

    I drink coke and juice. about as much plain water.

    About twice a week we have dessert. (there's a tub of ice cream waiting in the fridge now.... :D )

    kids snack on oreos and like kind of cookies. They eat maybe at most three gummies a day. (But not everyday.)

    You know, i really think it could be the deep fried stuff. A dietician told me that two teaspoonfuls of oil has the same number of calories as a small bowl of rice.

    I've never been to the States. But we've had visitors from there (Oklahoma, in fact!). And the lady was commenting at our ladies fellowship, (we were learning to bake cheesecake) that back in her home church, they'd serve a huge serving that was too much.
    So could it also be the portion sizes?
  20. gb93433

    gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    They typically walk more. Food cost about 80 percent more in the country I was in. People there spent the same amount for food as we do.