Two facts you are assuming that may not be accurate;This is how they get around the fact that over 11 feet of rain per hour for 40 days would be required to cover Mt. Everest,---
1) to cover Mt. Everest
2) over 11 feet of rain per hour for 40 days
1- you don't know factually that what is now Mt Everest even existed then; it just may be that "any hill over 500 ft. was created post-flood."
2- Although it may have been possible THEN for 11 ft/hr to fall for 40 days, the following scripture gives another source of part of the water
You will note that I opened with the following: "Two facts you are assuming that may not be accurate"Gen 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.
No human today KNOWS what the conditions were then, and all we have is God's word to tell us.
Science looks at evidence and reaches a conclusion. Is that conclusion correct? You (generic "you" for evolutionists/OE) believe science is correct, so you deem God's word NOT LITERAL. We (generic "we" for creationists/YE) do not believe the science conclusions are correct because we deem God's word to be just as He states it.
Therefore we are right back to "Who do you believe, God or man?", since there is absolutely no way to PROOVE either side!