You misquote him. He wasn't talking about firing people, he was talking about switching insurance companies. I have switched insurance companies before, haven't you? I have switched plumbers, grocery stores, cars, businesses that don't provide the kind of service I expect. Haven't you?
Now if Mr. Romney kept on throwing good money after bad, like Solyndra, we wouldn't think he was very bright or a very good businessman, would we?
And if voters keep throwing good money after bad by re-electing someone who is bankrupting our country for us and our children and grandchildren, voters must not be very bright.
I realize the election is rigged with our votes being counted in Spain. Gee, I wonder if that was a topic of discussion when Michelle went on that trip to Spain on our dime....
Anyway, I still hope. I still want to believe Obama and the Democrats won't steal this election, too, but I probably am being naive.
Ah, but he said it and he is a corporate fellow. All the top management folk I ever had any dealings with, save one man, loved the power and enjoyed firing people. It is just a fact of life in corporate America.
In another instance he said, "I like firing people." This was when he was talking about service. If he did not get the service he liked, he liked to fire them or influence other to fire them.
This is another fact of life in corporate America, almost all like power and to see people suffer if they, the top management, feel slighted in any way.
I expect almost every politician, especially at the national level have similar feelings.