Franklin is right, and very bold to state the truth publicly.
leader Franklin Graham challenged President Obama’s statement in Norway that Islam is a “great and said Islam is “violent” and cannot be practiced in the United States.
Graham said on CNN Dec. 10 that “we have many Muslims that live in this country, but true Islam cannot be practiced in this country. You can't beat your wife. You cannot murder your children if you think they've committed adultery or something like that, which they do practice in these other countries.” Graham said to study Islam, one should look at the intolerance practiced in Saudi. “But, listen, Islam, I love the people of Islam,” he said. “And I work in Muslim countries all over the world. But when you see countries that where they live under Sharia law, Islamic law, where that is the law of the land, Campbell [Brown], trust me girl, you don't want to live there.”
Franklin is right, and very bold to state the truth publicly.
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