John, again this isn't about the sanitized version of Islam that you have come into contact with.
That reasoning is somewhat circular: "Islam is a horrible religion, therefore Muslims are horrible people, therefore, if someone meets a Muslim that isn't a horrible person, that person must be practicing a sanitized version of Islam, because Islam is a horrible religion."
That line of reasoning makes it easy to simply discount comments to the contrary without reason.
Don't expect Johnv to respond. In his world all Muslims are wonderful people we should be proud to be associated with. He sticks his head in the sand when confronted with the truth!
Nice pharisaical attampt, which is not only inaccurate, but false on your part. You'd be hard pressed to find post where I did as you claim. I simply don't get on the witchhunt bandwagon that so many ignorant folks get on.
As far as my neighbors, yes, they're Muslim, and they're wonderful people. I don't discount the fact that they're wonderful people just because of their religious affiliation. You, OTOH, would presume that they're not wonderful people based solely on their religious affiliation. That makes you, not me, the one with his head in the sand.