Why did the animal have to die in the garden to cover Adam and Eve? It was innocent. Why did God require the shedding of blood?
Christ became sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
The wages is sin is death, Jesus paid the wage owed to us.
I don’t understand all the jargon in this debate, all I know is Jesus died for my
sins, and that I rightly deserve hell for my
God does in fact demand punishment for sin. If he didn’t then people wouldn’t be in hell. (See Luke 16)
Why did the animal have to die in the garden to cover Adam and Eve? It was innocent. Why did God require the shedding of blood?
Why did the animals not go to hell? Show me scripture where the animals sacrificed are damned. Even the famous SCAPEGOAT they let that guy go without killing it.
Its not the pagan volcano god system folks believe it to be.
"Christ became sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him."
Sin offering. Figure of speech. He became the "miss the mark" that has never "missed the mark". So that we might be made the righteousness.
If he actually FAILED, than that would that help in righteousness at all?
There is a standard to mankind looked at universally as a whole, Some look at mankind, oh these guys are horrible monkeys, Oh look at how fearful, combative and greedy. But Jesus Christ ain't a substitute. He completely represents mankind at its top. When you need to look up what is a man standard built non defective model it is Jesus Christ. When the universe saw Jesus it was settled that all mankind was worth it. Jesus showed off the potential of all men.
"The wages is sin is death, Jesus paid the wage owed to us. "
Its not payed to you. In genesis. God said look "the day you eat of the tree is the day you die"
Does "the day you eat of the tree is the day you die" = "eat from the tree and I WILL KILL YOU"? NO.
The bad thing about sin is the SIN.
A selfish person doesn't comprehend the penalty of calling his wife stupid is he just called her stupid.
He only understand dog house, not eating, couch(maybe couch aint that bad).
The day you swallow poison is the day you die too, Just cause I let you know that doesn't mean I am a killer.
"I rightly deserve hell for my
Who made that judgement? Show us where God says "you deserve to go to hell".
Deserve is powerful word. Cause you can go to hell doesn't mean you deserve to. Deserve involves a judgement there is only one judge Jesus Christ.
Show us where in the bible God says ''All mankind deserve hell" If a rock bottom christian finally found Jesus in a pile of drugs that doesn't mean he 's earned it and the only way to be saved is to hit rock bottom yourself.
It makes for great humility until you let God do the judging then he lets you know its false humility.
''All mankind deserve hell" <-- Flat out lie. Satan's motto and plan from beginning.
"God does in fact demand punishment for sin. If he didn’t then people wouldn’t be in hell'
If you were damned and i shoved you in heaven, you would be horrified.
Everyone in hell is getting exactly what they want.
The gates of hell are locked from the inside. Those in there want NOTHING to do with God.