Harold Garvey
New Member
and the KJV has stood the test of time while the Book of thday club keeps adding to their listsGod gave actual words that have been actually preserved in the 5500 manuscripts and documents.
Man-made translations of God's Word come and go (languages change and evolve)
You speak with such authority and what Bible are you quoting?So NO man-made translation is God's Word. God's WORDS are God's Word.
Translation derive authority and inspiration only as they accurately reflect the actual Words of God that God the holy Spirit actually breathed out and inspired.
Answer: None.
But the question is wrong.
It should be: What BIBLE is God's Word? (not what man-made attempt to translate is God's Word). That Word we have and I hold in my hand. It is a collection and summary of those 5500 Greek documents and written in Greek using actual words GOD breathed.