Wow, what a list of conviction.
I need to get rid of some of the "fluff" in my pile and start making more of an effort to read things with a little more substance.
And speaking of a lack of substance...
I'm currently reading
A Kiss of Adventure by Catherine Palmer. The book was a gift, and I'm reading it out of a sense of guilt that I never read ANYTHING this person gives to me. But the thing makes me alternately mad, frustrated, and depressed. I'm growing weary of reading about the hero's rippling muscles and dark curly hair, and the heroine's sweet smile and long, flowing blonde hair. Someone please just shoot me. And then there's the premise of the book - I'm yelling at the author in my head for making the Christian girl fall for an unbelieving guy just because they're thrown into danger (because we all know that is just SO realistic), and of course the guy is going to be won over by her sweet spirit and unfailing trust in God, and her love will draw him to the Savior and heal his broken past and BLAH BL-BLAH BLAH BLAH!!! *loud, obnoxious groan* It's stories like this that make Christian girls believe they can "win" that unbelieving boyfriend they love so much. While it may happen once in a VERY long while, most often those relationships just lead to heartache, and God's Word is abundantly clear about what our relationships should be with unbelievers.
Maybe she'll break things off with him before the book ends - she's been "struggling" with her feelings for him and their relationship for most of the book. But so far, the entire thing has been chase scene, lovey-relationship with inner turmoil scene, repeat ad nauseum. I am unimpressed thus far. And I don't have much hope for the ending.
I'm so ashamed of myself for plodding through this thing, that I'm going home and putting
Darwin's Black Box back at the top of my read pile.