Do you mean accusations like, "I won't engage with your debate points because I know you won't ever change."
I told you previously (in this same thread) that is not an accusation, it is an observation. In this thread I did not denigrate your prolific thread creating ability. All I did was draw a line between Yeshua1's thread and the ones you create in similar fashion. That is all there is to it.
Sklandelon said:
or speculations like...
"Your questions are just a fallacious as his are." (but I don't think his questions are actually fallacious and I'm not willing to show you how your questions are fallacious)
I NEVER said those words. Now you assigning motives to me. But, as I said previously, it gives me opportunity to testify to the truth.
All I did was state that Yeshua1's OP asked a question that is similar to the questions you ask in your OP's. That is all I meant to say. You have succeeded in blowing this up into something that is not.
Skandelon said:
Exactly. Why wouldn't you afford me the same standing in my perspective and engage the subject while on a DEBATE FORUM, instead of dismissing the topic on the basis that I won't change anyway?
Do you actually READ what people say to you? I mean it. DO YOU? I have debated you in the past, or do you not recall? It is when you rehash a topic that I have no interest in debating it AGAIN. I said this a few posts back. If you start a thread that I find interesting I will engage with you. I find it profitable to engage with you on certain topics. On other topics, not so much. I really do not get into Calvinism vs. Arminian debates as much as I used to. The subject just gets old when the same arguments are made.
Am I guilty of dismissing some debates because no one is going to change their mind? Sure. That is more of my being weary at discussing the same subject matter over and over again. That is why I have pulled back from the traditional C vs. A thread. But do I think that YOU are going to change you mind? Not really.