Baptist and Pentecostal do not have altars … they have a stage. Ironically, they have “altar calls” … but not altars or altar rails (kneelers). An altar is where you kneel to receive Christ body and blood or kneel before the altar for private confession and holy absolution. An altar serves a specific purpose in the Divine Service (Mass) …
This is an Altar (Lutheran Missouri Synod St. Paul’s Fort Wayne).
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I attended the LCMS national convention in Milwaukee a few years back. We toured the LCMS campus that was close by. It had been a Catholic institution before it was sold to the Missouri Synod. The campus church was basically the same as when it was first built with a beautiful crucifix above the altar. If I remember right, they were using an aumbry instead of a tabernacle to reserve communion elements for the sick. I was told there is an LCMS church in Chicago which is a High Church 'experiment' which includes 'bells & smells'. The Eucharist (Mass) for the convention was the most beautiful liturgy I have ever experienced. It was a solemn chanted liturgy from beginning to end. 'Let us enter His presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to Him in song.' Psalm 95:2
Here is a beautiful Lutheran monastery:
Home - Saint Augustine's House